Welcoming New Year 2020 with Old Resolutions
This post is supposed to be posted on new year day 1. Though it’s late but in my life, it’s always better to be late rather than nothing.
Today is 3rd week of Jan 2020, 12 days have been passed since the new year but this is my first post in this new year 2020. Normally I always (try to) write one article in a day.
Life has been busy!
But busy doesn’t always mean going into right direction.
The first 2 weeks of 2020, I’ve been busy. My wife, parents and myself were just come back from a trip to East and Central Java Indonesia. Then subsequently I needed to catch up with my 9-6 works that I have left 2 weeks back, while at the same time I needed to prepare some docs required for my upcoming business trip. On top of them, I also needed to prepare myself for the professional certification exam I have scheduled before I went on leave last year. What a life!
But thankfully with the priority done right, the trip to Java Indonesia was fun – because I did being fully present both my mind and physical during the trip, the works I left for 2 weeks could be caught up, all docs required for my upcoming business trip were ready and the cert exam was done and passed successfully – all by setting up priority and focusing myself to the tasks.
This year is different: New Year but Old Resolutions
Last year and the year before I always came out with new year resolutions on day 1, however so far the same thing always repeat itself – as time goes by, all these new year resolutions are just another list of texts on my blog and on my phone and get carried out to next year and the year after and so on and so forth. And if you think the situation is familiar with you, that is because indeed that is the same thing mostly happen to most of us. We like to make New Year resolutions like there is no tomorrow but then we consciously keep forgetting it for the rest of the year. If it’s a motto, it’s going to be like this one: New year. New resolutions. Forget. Repeat.
This 2020 – the year that marks the coming of new decade, I want to change this bad habit. At least I want to give it a try.
So this year, 2020 – a start of a new decade, my new year resolution is a little bit different. Instead of coming out with a new one, my new year resolutions are my old resolutions – the unfinished and incomplete ones. My 2020 targets are to finish and complete any unfinished and incomplete target of last year and many years before.
Start small
After all this years, now i realize that it’s not about number of resolutions but number of achievements. It is definitely better to start small and accomplish something (small) rather than start big and accomplish nothing.
It is really no point to have 101 new year resolutions but at the end of the year, none of them are materialized. It is better to have one or two resolutions, work and focus on them and when you can complete them before the end of the year, you can add new resolution to the list.
Last time I always think 7 is good number to start with, but it seems it’s just too much for myself now to get it done within a year. So now I would like to scale back to start just with 3 targets.
So here are my new year resolutions – the unfinished and incomplete targets from previous years.
1) To have kids. I have been married for sometime but due to distractions here and there and not setting this as #1 priority, I ended up with no kids yet. So this year, pretty much this should be my #1 priority.
2) To get professional certification. This one I also kept delaying due to various reasons. However, I quickly made up my mind towards end of 2020 and two days back, I managed to get it. Now I’m a Confluent Certified Developer of Apache Kafka (CCDAK). All I need was setting this as #1 priority and focusing on the exam preparations. Now knowing it’s just the beginning of year 2020 (today is the 13th day since new year) and I have tackled it, I’m telling you it does feel great.
3) To be financially independent and able to retire early (or known as f.i.r.e) at the age 35 – today I’m 33 years old going to 34, though it seems to be impossible – given it’s just left at max 2 years, but I will still try my best to achieve it. One of the way is to make use and invest on my SRS funds.
I will first limit to these 3, so that I can have better priority and focus. One has been tackled down, now I am left with the other 2.
Key message: Priority, be present and focus
I did it and I proved it. With the priority set right, be present and focus on the task on hand, you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. The professional certification I wanted long time a go, now within 12 days of new year I managed to get it – the difference between today and last time are: this time I fully dedicated myself into it – give my full focus on the subject and being present to complete the task.
So what about you? What are your new year resolutions and how far have you gone to achieve those? Are any of them have been strike-out and completed?
These are my 2019 targets and resolutions
Just a reminder for my future self, these were my 2019 targets and new year resolutions.
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