To All iOS users, yes You! You should expect to install iOS 12 this week (iOS 12 Public Beta 1)

install iOS 12 Beta download link

Get yourself ready to install iOS 12 - Image courtesy of

Or early next week. Simply because Apple has just rolled out iOS 12 Beta 2 recently so whatever Apple has released on iOS 12 Beta 1 and whatever bugs have been fixed shall be what Apple release as iOS 12 Public Beta 1.iOS 12 Public Beta 1 - Get yourself ready to install

For all iOS 12 related posts and articles, do check the following link: iOS 12 at

iOS 12 Public Beta 1 is meant for YOU – casual users, technology enthusiasts and geeks

Who would like to try iOS 12 before anyone else but have no access to Apple developer account. iOS 12 Public Beta 1 is FREE and open to just anyone who register their interest and iOS device.

If you haven’t registered your interest and your iOS device, you should! Head to this link to register. No developer account needed. No jailbreak/hacking required.

These are the supported iOS 12 devices.

Is your iOS device included on the list?

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