iPhone X[R]: What does “R” stands for in iPhone XR? Find out inside.

Cheaper iPhone XR colorful

iPhone XR - Colorful and dynamic

iPhone X[R] or iPhone XR (called it “Ten R”) is the most strange iPhone yet to date. Strange because of the usage of “R”. Previously the record was held by iPhone SE, simply for using [SE] instead of the normal [S] – which Apple clarified as “Special Edition”.

For iPhone XR specs and prices, together with its siblings – iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max – specs and prices, do check here. I got them summarized in one page for your easy readings.

So what about “R” in iPhone XR? What does “R” stands for?

Here’s what I can think of.

R – Rhythm

R – Revolutionary

R – Revive

R – Reduced

R – Racing

R – Rally

R – Roar

R – Regular

R -Reach

R – Retro

R – Recycled


Of course, though it make sense “R” in iPhone XR is meant for “Regular” since its the cheapest between its siblings, but I don’t think Apple like to call it “iPhone X Regular”.

I do personally really like the first one – “R” for Rhythm, since iPhone XR is released in 6 different colors, showing the rhythm of people who are using (or planning to use) them.

Or, could Apple named iPhone XR just like how One Plus named their device with “T”?

In case you don’t know, One Plus is a handphone company, based in China. While back then Apple were always come with “S” series, One Plus simply would like to “one plus” Apple by not using “S” series in their phone but “T” – which indeed “one plus” more character in Alphabets.

What is “R” in iPhone XR? Rhythm? Revolutionary? Regular? Reduced?

So really if the “R” in iPhone XR has no meaning at all, then likely Apple is kind of following One Plus way, but instead of “one plus”-ing, Apple is subtracting one from “S”, to indicate that this iPhone XR is just one step behind its siblings – the iPhone XS.

Update as of 20th September 2018: After further readings and findings, plenty of people (from Quora and even from comments on this blog) told that R is actually “Reach” as Apple implied during the Apple Special Event back in 12th September 2018.

So what do you guys think? Though now it seemed obvious, but I do still love “R” in the iPhone XR to be “Rhythm” – thanks to its 6 colors that for sure makes a rhythm when bunch of iPhone XR users stand together holding their colorful iPhone XR.


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