Here’s how to get FREE games from Epic Games Store

epic games store free games list

Epic Games Store launcher

These days, there are a lot of games stores. No, I’m not talking about the physical game stores like GameStop, but more on the online ones.

While console has their own proprietary game stores (Xbox has Microsoft store, PlayStation has PlayStation store, Nintendo has eShop) but that’s not the case for PC. PC is an open platform, any company can publish their own games stores to it and everyone can install or have it on their PC.

There are plenty of games stores for PC, but the most known ones to date are these (sort alphabetically):, Discord, Epic Games store,, Steam, Microsoft Store, Origin.

Fortnite Android get started
Fortnite is one of games available on Epic Games Store

While some of them has their own exclusives, but there’s this one reason why every gamers have to have and owned an Epic Games Store account.

Why you should own an Epic Games Store Account

Simply because Epic Games Store offers FREE game every 2 weeks.

epic games store free games
Get FREE games every 2 weeks just by owning an Epic Games Store account

While the games may not (always) be an AAA games, but still 1) they are free for grabs and 2) they are not cheap-made kind of games. Take a look at them yourself to believe!

How to get the FREE games from Epic Games Store

Simply register for an Epic Games account (link below) and head to the link given above to check the FREE games.

1) Register here: You can skip this step if you own an account already.

2) Head for this link to check and download the FREE games:

These are the past games I have gotten for FREE.

These are them. And my FREE games catalog will surely growing!

Getting all the good games from Epic Games Store and I spent $0 so far

Yeah, I know, the catalog consists of just a few games since I was late to the party – thus I’m writing this article to raise awareness for you – gamers – so you won’t miss the FREEbies from Epic Games Store.

For list of past games that were made FREE, you can head to this website.

Past games that were made FREE on Epic Games Store

Bring it all together

So what are you waiting for? Registration is free and doesn’t ask you for credit card number. Register and go get the FREE games while they last.

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