Here’s how to get individual video URLs from YouTube Playlist

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Millennial ways of earning money: Become YouTuber

You have YouTube playlist which you want to get their individual video URL? Here’s the right place for you.

I’ve been looking for the same solution out there, but unfortunately the solutions I found either no longer working or a paid solution. So I dig around the Internet and finally found a working solution myself which I would like to share with all of you – of course for FREE!

Note: This solution may not be for everyone. I have to let you know that doing the steps below you can get the whole YouTube videos inside a playlist without the need to click each one of them but the results you are going to get won’t be a pretty result, but rather a raw result.

YouTube Logo – Image courtesy of

Here’s how to grab the individual URLs of a YouTube Playlist

These are the steps you need to do to get the individual video URLs from a YouTube Playlist:

1) Open YouTube API documentation on Google Developer.

Open the following URL in browser:

2) Try this API

Once opened, on the right side, you should see “Try this API”.

3) Get the YouTube PlaylistID

On Try this API, fill in this fields:

Field NameValue
Partid, status, snippet, contentDetails
pageToken<keep it blank for now>
playlistID<YouTube PlaylistID, refer below for explanation>

Ensure Google OAUTH 2.0 and API Key are checked and ticked.

Here’s the explanation:

Part: This is the default settings, don’t change anything.

maxResults: The API can only show 50 videos at a time, so even if you fill maxResults as 100, the API will still return max 50 videos at a time.

pageToken: This is needed only if the YouTube playlist contains more than 50 videos. Refer below for more details on how to use pageToken.

playlistID: This is to be filled with YouTube PlaylistID. Here’s how you can get PlaylistID:

a) Open any of YouTube playlist you want to get their individual video URL.

b) Then on the browser, get the full YouTube playlist URL and grab anything after “list=”.

For example:

YouTube Playlist URLplaylistID

4) Execute!

Once all the necessary fields have been filled in, click “Execute”.

5) Login to Google Account (first time only)

If this is your first time opening the URL and clicking “Execute”, you’ll be prompted to login with your Google Account. So proceed to login with your Google Account. Reason: Google API needs the request to be authenticated.

Here comes the result

Once authenticated, if you place the correct YouTube PlaylistID, you’ll get the response as 200 (showing in green).

Then at the bottom you’ll get the result in raw JSON format. Copy and paste it into any text editor (E.g: Notepad++ or Word).

To get each video URL from the playlist, go and search “videoId” (it’s either below resourceId or contentDetails) then append “” to each videoId you can find.

For example:

videoIdFull YouTube Video URL

What to do if the playlist has more than 50 videos?

Short answer: Use the nextPageToken to retrieve the next 50 videos or prevPageToken to retrieve the previous 50 videos.

nextPageToken will appear on your first result after hitting the “Execute” button and only if the YouTube playlist contains more than 50 videos. However prevPageToken will only appear only after you use “nextPageToken”. It’s a paging model the YouTube API here is using. Below is the illustration.

Illustration on how to use nextPageToken and prevPageToken

YouTube Playlist VideonextPageTokenprevPageToken
The first 50 videos (video 1 till video 50)Appear on the result, and to be used to go to video 51 till video 100Not available yet
Video 51 till video 100Appear on the result, and to be used to go to video 101 till video 150Appear on the result, and to be used to go to video 1 till video 50
Video 101 till video 150Appear on the result, and to be used to go to video 151 till video 200Appear on the result, and to be used to go to video 51 till video 100
And so on

Hope you can understand how nextPageToken and prevPageToken are used.

Now using YouTube API, here’s how you can get the next videos if the YouTube playlist contains more than 50 videos:

1) Fill in pageToken

Using the same YouTube API, now you have to fill in the pageToken with either nextPageToken or prevPageToken.

Field NameValue
Partid, status, snippet, contentDetails
pageToken<fill with nextPageToken or prevPageToken>
playlistID<YouTube PlaylistID, refer below for explanation>

2) Execute!

Click “Execute” to return you the next 50 videos (if you are using nextPageToken) or previous 50 videos (if you are using prevPageToken).

Repeat the steps to get the next 50 videos or previous 50 videos.

Bring it all together

Well, the results are raw, but you get what you want, right?! You can get all the individual YouTube video from the YouTube playlist without the need to open each of the videos themselves.

In case you are a developer, you can use the finding here (and whatever YouTube API provided) to build the better version. Don’t forget to share with the rest of us here.

For the rest of you who are confused or have queries, don’t hesitate to reach me by commenting on the comment section down below. Cheers!

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