Unlock your iPhone faster using shorter Passcode – Great option while wearing mask

iOS iPhone Security Enable Passcode

Enter Passcode

Here we are living in the new age – the age of mask. For those of you who are using iPhone, especially iPhone with Face ID and at the same time wearing a mask on your face, for sure there were and are annoyances when it comes to unlocking your iPhone. The iPhone won’t simply unlock when you look at it, because half of your face are covered by the mask. Good things is that Apple didn’t just do nothing about it. Once you have updated to iOS 14.5 (or up), using combination of your iPhone with you wearing mask and Apple Watch Series 3 or up, the iPhone will simply unlock when you look at it.

Unfortunately it’s a good news only and if only you own an Apple Watch Series 3 or up. If you own Apple Watch before Series 3 and / or don’t have Apple Watch at all with you, then it will still the same annoyances until the age of mask is over – which again unfortunately it will still stick with us for at least another couple of months or years.

But don’t fret. That’s the reason I’m writing this article, to share with you – who do not have Apple Watch Series 3 or up or do not have Apple Watch at all with you – an easier way, much lesser annoyance to unlock your iPhone and that is using a shorter passcode!

Use shorter Passcode on your latest iPhone. Image courtesy of

Here’s How to use Shorter Passcode to unlock your iPhone

While this method is mainly intended for those using iPhone with Face ID – because you can’t use the Face ID to unlock your iPhone while wearing mask, but this method is also applicable for those using iPhone with Touch ID.

1) On your iPhone, go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode (for iPhone with Face ID) or Settings > Touch ID & Passcode (for iPhone with Touch ID).

2) Key-in your current long 6-digit passcode when asked.

3) Go and find “Change Passcode”. Tap on “Change Passcode” once found.

4) Key-in your current passcode when asked for old passcode.

5) On the next screen, tap on “Passcode Options” and choose “4-Digit Numeric Code”.

6) Key-in your 4-digit passcode and verify.

Once verified, the iOS will take some time to change your passcode to the shorter one. Once you are back into the Passcode page, means you have successfully change your passcode into a shorter one. Give it a try by locking your iPhone and try unlocking using your new shorter passcode.

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