iPhone Tips: Enable Sensitive Content Warning to prevent inappropriate images or videos from showing | Block nudes

iOS 12 Comic Camera Filter A girl with Ferris Wheel

A girl smiling with Ferris Wheel behind - with iOS 12 Camera Comic Filter

Ever worry when you or your kids / spouse / family members receive photos or videos from someone especially strangers – unknown numbers, whether they are inappropriate or not (E.g.: contain nudity or body parts that supposed not be publicly shown)? Worse if you have traumatic experiences receiving such inappropriate photos or videos in the past. Well, lucky for you with iPhone, now Apple gets you covered.
There’s now a simple way to warn you for such inappropriate contents, so that you don’t get to see the contents on your own. Check out below on how to activate the setting.

Here’s how to prevent inappropriate photos and videos from showing on your iPhone

Before started, ensure you are on iOS 17 or above – because the setting is only made available starting from iOS 17.

If you are not on iOS 17 yet, check out the link here: Installing iOS 17 on your iPhone today at JILAXZONE.

To check whether your iPhone is upgradable to iOS 17, check out this list: iOS 17 & iPadOS 17 compatible devices at JILAXZONE.

So, these are the steps you need to do to activate Sensitive Content Warning.

1) On your iPhone, go to Settings.

2) On Settings screen, navigate to Privacy & Security.

3) On Privacy & Security screen, scroll down until you find “Sensitive Content Warning”. Tap on it.

Privacy & Security setting – Sensitive Content Warning

4) Inside “Sensitive Content Warning” screen, tap on “Sensitive Content Warning” to turn it ON/OFF.
Turn it on to enable sensitive content warning that will detect and notify you if there’s any nude photos or videos before you open them.

That’s it. Simple as that. Once turned on, you’ll get warned before opening any contents tagged as inappropriate.

Bring it all together

Turn on the setting now, don’t wait so that you’ll get warned if such inappropriate contents ever sent to your iPhone. In case you encountered any difficulties and/or have queries, don’t hesitate to put your queries or thoughts on the comment section down below. I’ll be happy to assist.

Interested to see other iPhone and iOS tips and tricks? Check them out here: iPhone and iOS tips and tricks at JILAXZONE. Image courtesy of Apple.

Interested to see other iPhone and iOS tips and tricks? Check them out here: iPhone and iOS tips and tricks at JILAXZONE.

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