While most of you are back to routines after the Christmas and New Year’s breaks, I don’t. I took an extra day today to extend my break. However I don’t just laying down lazy at home but doing something out of my ordinary. Just for my experience sake.
Anyway life is a long journey worth exploring.

My first day ever…
Today is my first time ever being a food delivery courier on a normal busy working day. For those who don’t know, I do food delivery services on weekends occasionally if (my wife and ) I don’t have any plans nor something to do on the weekend. Refer to this post for details.

This is also my first time ever to be a Quorier’s courier picking up and delivering items from sender to recipient. I’ll detail more on my future posts in case any of you interested to join Quorier and become their courier.
To my surprise, it’s good and a bit overwhelming, especially since it’s noon time aka lunch time, I need to juggle around with other people on their way in/out from office to food centers.

I got in total around $28 for delivering foods 3 times and getting 2 orders from Quorier. And I can tell you while it was tiring but it was fun and awesome experiences.
This is me on my #happyfirstdayworking. What about YOU?
That is my #firstdayworking experience. What about you? Do you do something different and out of the ordinary? I did!
Hi, thanks for reading my article. I do spend my time and efforts writing this article based on my own experiences for my own journal as well as to share the knowledge to whoever read it so hopefully they can get the benefit out of it
If you find and feel this article is good and helping you in anyway, help me to spread the words by sharing this article to your family, friends, acquaintances so all this goodness, my spent time and efforts do not just stop at you, they will also get the same goodness and benefit from it.
Thank you!
This post is created and published fully on mobile device to be consumed best on mobile device. Pardon me for typos, any mis-alignments and any mis-layouting.
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