7 Ways for a Simpler and Happier Life
Simpler life doesn’t mean you have to be poor, live inside a small house, drive an old-almost-broken car. No, simpler life here is not all about those.
Happier life also doesn’t mean you have to be damn rich like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, doesn’t mean you have to stay at some big Castle, doesn’t mean to drive a Lamborghini.

Simpler and happier life is…
1. Buy what you need. Not what you want.

In fact whenever possible to reduce whatever you have and a duplicates of other things. For example, you got 2 phones with you, why don’t sell one of them, you get the money, your life will be much simpler and become happier because now you need to maintain only 1 of them.
Need a car? Why don’t you just rent it out rather than buying and owning it. Check here how you can rent on minutes basis.
2. Think before react.
Don’t follow your emotional feeling.
For example when someone scold you, you must have wanted to scold him back directly and use all the ‘F’ and rubbish words out. Not only doing that will have impact on you, but also your image – how people sees you. Thus think first the likely result before react.
3. Avoid saying yes to everything.
Don’t keep saying yes to everything, because saying yes to everything means you make someone else life happy but not yours. Saying ‘Yes’ to everything makes your life less simpler and less happier, because you keep doing things for others to impress them and in turn may sacrificing your own happiness. Of course you can’t keep saying ‘No’ to everything as well, otherwise when you are asking people for help, then no one shall help you out. Make it balance.
4. Learn to be organized. Seriously.

Having everything organize, starting from yourself, your working desk, your house, will lead you to a simpler happier life. People also will trust and love you more just by getting organized.
5. Be honest. Don’t lie. Stay true to yourself and others.

The moment you tell a lie to someone else, you need to remember it for the rest of your life, because if you ever forget what lie you have told them about, then they will know you were lying to them and they will start asking questions and may never trust you anymore.
6. Ask help whenever needed.
Sometimes there are things that are not just our thing. Trying so hard but end up failing. Time to ask for help. Other people could just do it even with the eyes closed.
7. Learn to let go.

Let go any anger emotional feeling that you have with someone else, give up bus/train seats to those more needed, giveaway to other cars who would like to outrun you. You may end up feeling happier because you get the feeling of giving something to them.
Bring It All Together
Apply those 7 ways above to your daily life and activities, for sure you will have a much simpler and happier life.
I did try them myself and even still keep doing it until this very moment, and I have never regret anything that I have given up and let go. You too, can do it!
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