Calling All Bargain Hunters in Singapore – Now CashConverters has Online Auctions Website – Price Starting from As Low As $1
To all bargain hunters in Singapore, now there’s a dedicated website for you, and it’s coming from Cash Converters.
To see my other posts related to bargaining/savings/thrifting/cheap stuffs inside and outside of Singapore, do check here:
What/Who is Cash Converters?
With only 7 offline stores (read: physical stores) across Singapore, there’s chances you never seen one.
For those who don’t know what is Cash Converters or never seen one, let me give some brief explanation. Like its name suggested, Cash Converters is for you to convert your cash. If you are with some excessive items (read: seller), then you can convert whatever your excessive items into cash. On the other hand, if you are in need for certain items and you want something at bargain price (read: buyer), then you can convert your cash into that item for a fraction of the original price. Basically, Cash Converters is second hand dealer and the largest in Singapore or for some people, they like to call it thrift shop.
Cash Converters Online Auctions
Now since 11th April 2018, Cash Converters has launched another place where all of you around Singapore can comfortably go in and visit. It’s not a physical store but a website. An online auctions website to be precise.

Accessing above website will land you to a page full of auction items that has been sold (with starting price) for as low as $1. There are all categories of items, from kitchenware such as kettle, electronics such as camera, DSLR, computers, luxury watches such as those from Rolex, branded bags, home appliances, sports equipment and so much more.
What are you waiting for Bargain Hunters?
If you are a bargain hunters who don’t mind buying second hand item, now it’s your chance to get yourself a good deal. Head for the link above and have yourself registered.

I have registered my account and currently waiting Cash Converters to notify me a good deals. Photo hunting using a new second hand camera lens won’t make a differences with a totally brand new one from retailer shop and at the same time, buying it won’t make me broke.
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