How to Share YouTube Video To Start At Specific Time As You Want
You have just watched that exciting/funny/awesome/thrilling/sad/<whatever it is, you put it here>, and you would like to share with someone else the video you have just watched, but not the whole scene since it can be too long and might be boring, you just want to share the video and to start at the very specific time where the exciting/funny/awesome/thrilling/sad/<whatever it is> scene is, here’s how you can do it.

Share YouTube Video to start at the specific time that you want
Here’s how to do it.
1) Play YouTube Video and take note of the time when the scene that you want is started.
2) On YouTube video URL, append with &t=?m?s and share the video with the additional URL.
Replace the “?” with any number, 0 to 9.
For example, on my article here, telling about Google I/O 2018 and how to get Android P for your Android device, I share Google I/O keynote YouTube video, but start at specific time only, when they start showcasing the Android – which is started at 55 minutes and 20 seconds, so here’s how I shared the YouTube URL.
See the result here.
Now it’s your turn to try it out yourself!
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