Cyberflash: What is that, how to stop Cyber Flashing and avoid become the victim

iOS 12 iPhone hacked

Every iPhone and iOS devices are potentially at risk of getting HACKED

Been the victim before? Then help to spread this so that people around you won’t be the next victim. Even if you never get cyberflashed before, do consider to do steps below to avoid becoming the next victim of cyber-flashing.

What is Cyberflash?

People may also called it as Cyber-flashing or Cyberflashed.

It’s the action that one does, normally by sending links (or some other things: pictures, videos) to other person smartphone, so that the moment the link is (accidentally) opened, whatever the sender sent, flashed (or shown) to you – the victim. And it’s called Cyber-flashing.

These are soft-targets for Cyber-flashing. Don’t be like them!

In recent reports (Google for it), the senders are sending something considered as pornography: part of human body or the whole human body.

How to avoid become victim of Cyberflash

If you think Cyber-flashing or getting Cyberflashed is not fun at all, you are not alone. Here’s how to prevent to become victim of cyberflashing.

Cyber-flashing can be done in many ways, via text messages, via email, via chat messages but those 3 are considered easy to tackle down – don’t open any messages/emails from random unknown people.

However, due to technological advancements the past few years, cyber-flashing is becoming more easier to do. Two of the common ways is via Apple AirDrop (for iPhone users) and via Bluetooth (for Android and iPhone users).

So, to make sure you won’t be the next victim, do consider to do this.

For iPhone or iOS users: Turn off AirDrop.

Here’s how you can turn off AirDrop.

a) Go to Settings then General then AirDrop.

b) Tap on Receiving Off to switch AirDrop off.

Turning OFF AirDrop by selecting Receiving OFF

You can always switch it back on whenever you need it, but don’t forget to switch it back off after you are using it.

For Android and iPhone users too: Turn off Bluetooth

Here’s how you can turn off Bluetooth – the steps on your smartphone might be a little bit different.

a) Go to Settings then find Bluetooth.

b) Tap on Bluetooth and switch it off.

Turn OFF Bluetooth when not in use

Same like AirDrop, you can always switch the Bluetooth back on whenever you need it, but don’t forget to switch it back off after you are using it.

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