This is the best time to buy Fergburger in Queenstown New Zealand without queuing!
You are not considered visiting New Zealand if you don’t visit its most touristy town – Queenstown, especially if this is your first time (planning) visiting New Zealand.
And you are not even considered visiting Queenstown though you now probably are physically there standing at the city if you don’t try its world famous burgers made by Fergburger – whom many told as world best burgers – when you visit the town.
Fergburger – world famous and best burger from Queenstown New Zealand
To give you some ideas, in case you know nothing about Fergburger, at the time this article is written, there are 13,000 over (and still growing) reviews for Fergburger on TripAdvisor – world leading traveling site (here is the link) and it gets 4.5 out 5 stars from that many user reviews. So this Fergburger must be something.

Located at 42 Shotover street, Fergburger is situated in the heart of Queenstown city. Fergburger has no branches both in New Zealand and the world, other than this location. On normal days (not raining nor snowing), you can easily spot the place by its queuing line.
Open for 21 hours daily, from 8am to 5am the next day, Fergburger is really something you should give yourself a try. The variety of giant burgers prices themselves surprisingly are not that expensive – by New Zealand standard – if you compare eating at other New Zealand food stalls or junctions.

Knowing all the facts, not surprising there are plenty of people lining up and queuing in front of the store to get their hands on the burgers.
Fergburger – but is it really worth the queue?
While the burger size is huge and price is reasonable, but is it really worth to queue to get one?
Well, I tasted the burgers myself, I ordered few of them – The Fergburger, Ferg Deluxe, Cookadoodle Oink, Mr. Big Stuff, The CodFather – during my 3 days 2 nights visit to the town back in March 2019, so it’s really worth the price but not the queue!
And you know what, there’s a way to get Fergburger without queuing!
For list of the burgers menu and their prices, you can check them out on Fergburger’s official website here.
Best time to buy Fergburger with less to no queue.
Come by between 8.30 am to 9.00 am that’s when you see the shortest queue. If it’s your lucky day, there’s even no queue at all.

Though the store open at 8.00 am, but don’t come when it just opens. Apart from waiting for the staffs to warm up everything including themselves, there should be super enthusiastic people who come so early and queue in front of the store. And by 8.30 am, all those queue will be shorter or gone!
So, what are you waiting for? If you spend a night at Queenstown city New Zealand, don’t force yourself to queue the first day you are arriving there, but come by the next morning between the mentioned time and you’ll enjoy your meal with less-to-no queue. Enjoy!
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