iOS 14 Features I wish to see Apple bring to the next iOS
It’s almost the cycle again. In the next few months from now, somewhere in June or July 2020, you’ll see Apple will come out with their latest iOS 14 Beta. But what kind of features are you expecting to see on Apple upcoming iOS?
If you have something in mind, do give your thoughts down below on the comment section, but here’s mine.
Features I wish to see Apple bringing in to iOS 14
With today technology are moving to thin-client approach where most of the processing power, storage and other heavy liftings are done in cloud (see AWS, Google Cloud, Google Stadia, GeForce Now and so many thing else), enabling possibilities to have mobile device (in this case iPhone or other iOS device) as a one device to go for everything from entertainment to productivity including as a desktop replacement, these are the features I wish Apple to bring in to their future iOS.
Here they are.
1) Dex mode aka Desktop mode. Samsung has it since 2017 when they released Samsung Galaxy S8 (it was the same year when Apple released iPhone X). The reason I want it is because mobile devices, including iPhone, are getting not only smarter but more powerful. Why do we need to bring laptop, if the mobile device we are carrying with us is the same powerful as laptop/desktop or even better? So instead of bringing both Macbook and iPhone, it will be great to bring just iPhone but can do something that Macbook can do – you just need to pair the iPhone with monitor, keyboard and mouse and it’s full fledged computer experiences. What a much simpler life it would be!

2) Fully supported mouse. Apple started it with iOS 13, bringing mouse support to iOS, but it was like half-hearted half-way done. Do check here in case you need to setup mouse to work with iOS 13. Since I wish iOS 14 to have Dex mode (see #1 above), I also wish iOS 14 to also fully support mouse so in desktop mode, iPhone / iOS will be much easier to operate.

3) Adapter supporting multi USB ports/devices for all iOS devices. At the moment, only iPad Pro with USB C has this feature, I wish Apple to also unlock this feature on all iOS devices running iOS 14 (Eg: iPhone). It will make iPhone (and the rest iOS devices) to be one stop device for productivity. Plugging thumb drive, monitor, and other USB peripherals with no issues.
Bring it all together
All these features I wish to exist on future iOS 14 may finally put nails in the coffin for Macbook – if Apple really brings them in, but I guess, why not?!

If Apple can make iOS to be the single choice for people who are looking to have hybrid OS for both mobile device and computer, killing Macbook in the process is natural process which Apple has done similar thing in the past – when they introduced iPhone that finally killed iPod but business-wise, they never regret killing iPod, seeing Apple’s profits multiply by the time iPhone were released and dominating the market.
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