Delta Emulator: Fix for NES games not working | iPhone | iPad

Nintendo NES the famous console box

Nintendo NES: The box of the original & famous now-30-year-old NINTENDO console

Playing NES games on your iPhone or iPad using Delta emulator and finding that only a handful of NES games do work on Delta while many others NES ROMs don’t work? While there’s a chance the NES ROM you have is corrupted but it’s also a known issue in Delta emulator that the emulator is very picky on NES game titles.

Good thing is that, I have the fix for you. The fix is very simple to do, and so far using the fix, I can run all my NES game titles that I have.

One of many NES remastered game you probably never played before. Find out more here: The Legend of Zelda: Remastered for NES at JILAXZONE.

Delta emulator NES games not working Fix

There are 2 methods to get NES games to work on Delta emulator. Use the alternative method only if the easiest method somehow doesn’t work for you.

Method 1: Easiest method

This is the easiest method to get NES games to run on Delta emulator.

1) Open Delta Emulator.

2) Go to NES tab

3) Tap and hold on NES game title that you want to play until sub menu appearing on screen. At the same time, the game is launch on the top screen.

4) Tap on the top screen to start playing NES game.

Method 2: Alternative method

Use this method, in case the first method didn’t work for you. The second method requires you to have other console game and have their save state (E.g: you have GBA Metroid Fusion game with save state).

1) Open Delta Emulator from fresh. If you have opened it before and tried opening NES, kill it off and re-open Delta Emulator.

2) Go to the other console tab (E.g.: GBA).

3) Run the game.

4) Tap the Menu > Load State. Choose the available save state to load the game.

5) Once game is loaded, play for 3-5 seconds.

6) Tap the Menu > Main Menu.

7) Go to NES tab.

8) Tap on the NES game title you want to play. The NES game now should play perfectly on Delta Emulator.

Bring it all together

Those are 2 methods I used to get any NES games to run on Delta. In case you are having difficulties, don’t hesitate to post a comment down below on the comment section, I’ll be glad to help.

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