Windows 11 Complete Full Keyboard Shortcuts – Get things done faster!

Get things done faster with keyboard shortcuts!

  • This article shows you all the available keyboard shortcuts on Windows 11.
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If you are using Windows for long enough, you should at least know and feel the power of using keyboard shortcuts (as opposed using mouse) to do something on the PC. By using keyboard shortcuts, you can accomplish whatever you want to do way faster than moving a mouse.
However, do you know that Windows 11 have so many keyboard shortcuts, of course, other than the usual ones (such as Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+V)?
Yes, indeed Windows 11 does have many shortcuts which can be used in multiple places – be it on the desktop, on the Windows File Explorer or on respective programs / apps – and for various actions – such as for reloading the page, opening a new tab and so on and so forth.
Check out below for the whole list. In case you know there are some interesting shortcuts available on Windows 11, do share and let me and people know by putting it on the comment section below.

Here are the available keyboard shortcuts on Windows 11

I split the keyboard shortcuts into 3 sections: Shortcuts using Ctrl button, Shortcuts using Windows Key button and Shortcuts using combination of Windows Key and Ctrl buttons.

Shortcuts using Ctrl button

Some of these shortcuts work Windows-wide, some only works on certain apps (such as Google Chrome or Word editor).

#Keyboard ShortcutFunction / Description
1Ctrl + 1..9Move to the respective tab. Works in supported Browsers.
2Ctrl + ASelect All.
3Ctrl + BMake selected text as Bold (on supporting programs such as Microsoft Word).
4Ctrl + CCopy.
5Ctrl + DDelete file (on Desktop / Windows File Explorer) but can be used as a way to duplicate text (in Notepad++).
6Ctrl + EActivate Search (on supported Browsers).
7Ctrl + FEnable Find menu to find “text”. Works with supported Browsers and many programs/apps.
8Ctrl + GJump into line / page (on supported programs such as Notepad++).
9Ctrl + HFind and Replace text (on supporting programs such as Microsoft Word, Notepad++).
10Ctrl + IMake selected text as Italics (on supporting programs such as Microsoft Word).
11Ctrl + JOpen Download History (on supported progams / apps, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge).
12Ctrl + KActivate Search (on supported Browsers).
13Ctrl + LSelect all the URL text on the URL-Address bar (on supported Browsers).
14Ctrl + NOpen a new Window (on desktop / Windows File Explorer), open a new page (on many supporting programs and apps such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge). If you press Ctrl + Shift + N, you’ll open a private/incognito page (on supported Browsers).
15Ctrl + OOpen a file (on supported programs / apps, such as Microsoft Word, Google Chrome).
16Ctrl + POpen Print menu (on supporting program / web page, it will also print screen the current page for printing).
17Ctrl + RReload / Refresh the page (on many supporting programs/apps).
18Ctrl + SSave the progress (on many programs/apps).
19Ctrl + TOpen a new tab (on supported Browsers).
20Ctrl + UMake selected text to have underline (on supporting programs such as Microsoft Word).
21Ctrl + VPaste.
22Ctrl + WClose the current tab (on supporting programs / apps such as on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or on Notepad++).
23Ctrl + XCut.
24Ctrl + YRedo.
25Ctrl + ZUndo

Shortcuts using Windows button

These are shortcuts available using Windows Key button.

#Keyboard ShortcutFunction / Description
1Windows KeyOpen Windows Start Menu.
2Windows Key + AOpen Wifi / Quick Settings Menu.
3Windows Key + COpen Microsoft Teams Chat (if you have it installed).
4Windows Key + DShow/Hide Desktop.
5Windows Key + EOpen Windows File Explorer.
6Windows Key + GOpen Xbox Game Bar, can be used for capturing screen.
7Windows Key + HEnable/Disable Voice Typing (in supported countries/regions).
8Windows Key + IOpen Windows 11 Settings.
9Windows Key + LDirectly lock your PC.
10Windows Key + NOpen the Windows Notification bar.
11Windows Key + ROpen the Run Pop-up to let you type in the program to run.
12Windows Key + SOpen Search Menu.
13Windows Key + TSelecting next running program on Task Bar.
14Windows Key + UOpen Accessibility Settings.
15Windows Key + VOpen Clipboard History.
16Windows Key + WOpen Widget Panel.
17Windows Key + XOpen Advanced Menu.
18Windows Key + Dot ButtonOpen Emoji Menu.
19Windows Key + Home ButtonMinimize all background programs (only works if you are not in full screen).
20Windows Key + Tab ButtonOpen Task View, showing all running programs and desktops.
21Windows Key + Plus ButtonEnable magnifier and zoom in the screen.
22Windows Key + Minus ButtonEnable magnifier and zoom out the screen.
23Windows Key + Up ArrowMinimize active running program to the upper half of the screen / maximize back the program to full screen.
24Windows Key + Down ArrowMinimize active running program.
Enable Emoji on Windows 10 Emoji Keyboard
Wanted to use Emoji with your WIndows 11 PC? Easy, use Windows Key + Dot button to open Emoji keyboard!

Shortcuts using both Windows and Ctrl buttons

These are shortcuts available using Windows Key + Ctrl button.

#Keyboard ShortcutFunction / Description
1Windows Key + Ctrl + DOpen a new Virtual Desktop (cycle between them using Windows + Tab Key).
2Windows Key + Ctrl + Left ArrowCycle to the previous Virtual Desktop (only works if you have more than 1 Virtual Desktops).
3Windows Key + Ctrl + Right ArrowCycle to the next Virtual Desktop (only works if you have more than 1 Virtual Desktops).
4Windows Key + Ctrl + F4Close the current Virtual Desktop (it won’t close any running apps/programs).
win11 bluetooth keyboard fix pairing issue
Having issues with your Windows 11, such as unable to pair a Bluetooth keyboard/mouse? Check out this article: Windows 11 Bluetooth Keyboard Pairing No Passcode Fix at JILAXZONE.

Bring it all together

Feeling more like a (more) powerful Windows user now? That’s good. Hopefully you can make use of those keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate/do things much faster on your Windows PC. In case you know there are some interesting shortcuts available on Windows 11, do share and let me and people know by putting it on the comment section below.

In case you encountered any difficulties and/or have queries, don’t hesitate to put your queries or thoughts on the comment section down below. I’ll be happy to assist.

windows 11 logo
Windows 11 Logo. Image courtesy of Microsoft. Looking for more Windows 11 tips and tricks? Do check them out here: Windows tips and tricks at JILAXZONE.

Interested to see other Windows tips and tricks? Check them out here: Windows tips and tricks at JILAXZONE.

Do you have anything you want me to cover on my next article? Write them down on the comment section down below.

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