It’s already December. What have you achieved so far? And What are you trying to achieve next year?
These are what I have personally achieved in 2016. What have you achieved so far?

- to keep writing something at my blog,
- to start earning passive income from my writings,
- to finish the project I was on at work,
- (idea coming later) to buy a domain and start a website/self-hosted blog,
- to sell at least one item a day during weekdays,
- (idea coming later) and to buy a property – condo perhaps – to stay and not renting anymore.

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- √ to keep writing something on my blog – as you can see, I am now writing this article
- X to start earning passive income from my writings, total earning from June 2014 until today is just US$15.85 from advertisement.
- √ to finish the project I was on at work – the project finally went live somewhere in August 2016.
- √ to buy a domain and start a self-hosted blog – this is the result, bought and established on 7th July 2016
- X to sell at least one item a day – well, although my wife and I haven’t reached our pledge target, but we are going there soon – I actively sell gadget accessories here at
- X to buy a property so that I don’t need to rent any longer – turned out private property such as condo, is so damn expensive here in Singapore, thus postponing the idea and waiting to be eligible to buy a public housing instead
Next year is coming. And soon.

- to keep writing what I like and what I believe and share them to the world – so that one day I could remember how it was during the time I write the articles and hoping one day it could be my legacy
- to continue find a way to earning passive income from my writings
- to buy a property – public housing this time
- to continue selling gadget and/or its accessories at least one item a day during working days
- to explore the world together with my wife – so far I have been only to South East Asia’s countries and East Asia countries: Japan and South Korea. Next year probably start with somewhere south: Australia and its neighbouring countries
Big Plans Take Time and Actions
There was one time I spotted a bus with its body full of this advertisement from one of the local Bank here: Big plans take time, which made me think, it is indeed true. Whatever you plan or target you have today, may not 100% materialised directly at that moment you want it, sometime it could take few minutes, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or even couple of years.
Something easy and small such as buying ice cream, you need to queue a few minutes to get your ice cream. Something bigger than just buying ice cream, such as opening a new Bank account, you may need to queue an hour to get your new Bank account opened.
Now something much and much bigger such as getting a passive income or buying house or exploring the world, they could take months and even couple of years to get them materialised. And they could materialised only if you start “queueing” for them. “Queueing” here refers to actions taken. For getting the ice cream and opening a Bank account, the action needed is queueing. For getting a passive income stream, buying a house and exploring the world, it’s not enough to just queue, you need to do something for it: start a blog, start saving and start making itineraries. Without starting anything, a plan is just a plan, a target is just a target. They will never materialised. At the end of next year, these no-action-taken plans and targets will then be carried over to the next year without any progress.
Now the question is, have you started taking actions of whatever you are planning and targeting? Like I said, I did start mine.
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