Fancy or envy of new iPhone or Samsung Galaxy simply because they do support wireless charging? Well, fancy and envy no more.
If your main intention to upgrade your phone to latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy just because you want the wireless charging capability, well I recommend you to postpone your purchase and try out what I’m about to tell you: how to enable your current iPhone (or Android phone) to be wireless charging enabled using 3rd party wireless charging kit.
Introducing: Wireless Charging Kit
Since the emerge of wireless charging technology on a phone (Android phones) and long before Apple announce their iPhone to support such technology, there are many 3rd party companies and suppliers who brings the wireless charging capability to iPhone and other phones (mostly Android), by using what they called wireless charging kit. If I remembered it correctly, the wireless charging kit for phones (including for iPhone) was first introduced somewhere around 2013 (the same timing when Samsung release its Galaxy S4 with wireless charging capability) and only become booming after more and more new Android phones (at that time) released with wireless charging capability.
This is the wireless charging kit I’m talking about.
Meet the Wireless Charging Kit – Enable any iPhone and any Android phones to be Wireless Charging Capable
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3) Double tape/proper case to secure the wireless charging kit
In case you are looking to buy one, below is the Amazon link to buy both the Wireless Charging Kit and Pad.
In case you can’t see the above Amazon link, do click here to get the Wireless Charging Kit and Pad.
Once you got these 3 components, plug the Wireless Charging Kit to the phone, then put either double tap to secure the Wireless Charging Kit to the phone or put case on it, then plug the Qi Wireless Charging Pad to the wall socket, then the last step is to put your phone with Wireless Charging Kit attached to it to the Wireless Charging Pad. Voila! You just made your existing iPhone and Android phones to be Wireless Charging capable.
Drawbacks of using Wireless Charging Kit
Few drawbacks are these:
1) You need to keep plug unplug the Wireless Charging Kit from your phone should you want to switch between wireless charging and charging with normal cable.
2) Unlike what Apple/Samsung introduced where the latest iPhone and Samsung Galaxies are able to wirelessly charge with fast charging, however using this Wireless Charging Kit is slower than using the normal charging cable – at least until today.
Bring it All Together
Now with this how-to information, at least before you finally decided to buy or not to buy the latest iPhone – simply because you fancy/envy the new wireless charging capability, you get the taste of wireless charging.
In case you are staying in Singapore, I do sell them island-wide. Do check here my listing. Otherwise refer to this Amazon link to buy it worldwide.
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