Twitter doesn’t really handle URL with Emoji š£
Well, either Twitter or or IFTTT.
I just came to know that some of my posted links didn’t get shortened and posted correctly on Twitter.

As you can see on the image above, the links are posted as links on Twitter since I’m using IFTTT FREE service to help me post automatically on Twitter on my behalf each and every time I publish a new post on my website. Do check here for details how you can automate posted links or many things else on your own.
When I clicked the link posted on my Twitter account, it redirected me to Twitter’s own URL shortening service – the – then redirected to then further redirected to IFTTT before finally arrive at my website only to find that the page being referred to cannot be found.

Having Emoji š£ on šURL is the cause of page not found
After my observation, the issue happened only to my posted links with emoji(s) on them. For any links posted and published without any emoji on the URL, Twitter doesn’t have issue redirect them to my website.
What you can do today to save your backlink URL ā
Don’t put emoji as part of your URL links. Not until either Twitter or or IFTTT fix the situation.
If you really need to put emoji on the post title (like this post), do remove the Emojis on the URL/permalink auto-generated by the system, then your URL shall be safe and fine when posted on Twitter/
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