7 Millennial Ways to Easily Earn Money – No Special Skill Required!
Trust me, doing these millennial ways of earning money, for most of them – you don’t even need to leave your house, you don’t need special skills and degree to do it, and even you don’t need huge capital to start with.
Nowadays, there are simply unlimited ways to make money. The legal way. And they are relatively easy.
These are 7 most commons ways how millennials earning their ‘easy’ money
Well, they are considered easy.
1. Millennial ways earning money: YouTuber
Skill required: Talk, sing, do something in front of camera
Capital to start with: Camera or phone with camera
The most hottest way of earning millennial money. Every millennials today see YouTube either for fun or just to find something they are curious about. You can record whatever you like, even stupid things, as long as they are interesting to watch.
Find me here. Well, I don’t have plenty of subscriber given the facts that I don’t have plenty of interesting videos to upload, but that doesn’t mean I won’t start one.
2. Millennial ways earning money: Instagram Influencer
Skill required: Make yourself interesting
Capital to start with: Smartphone.
The more followers you have the more likely see what you share, the more you can earn money from sponsors.
Follow me @jilaxzone.
3. Millennial ways earning money: Selling at Amazon or other Online Marketplace
Skill required: selling, create an interesting story about item you are selling.
Capital to start with: your no-longer-used items, or any items you can buy for cheap and flip to sell
Sell whatever things as there’s always someone who needs that something. Do you think your worn jacket is no longer appealing? Not true. Try to sell it on online marketplace then you’ll be surprised.
Staying at Singapore? Why not pay me a visit and come by to my online marketplace here. I do sell plenty of gadgets from cables to iPhone accessories such as iPhone memory extender.
4. Millennial ways earning money: Bitcoin and Cyrptocurrency miner and flipper.
Skill required:
Miner – patience, setup minig rig;
Flipper – chart and news reading, luck
Capital to start with:
Miner – thousands dollars, or you can use your Android phone to mine
Flipper – Can start as small as tens to hundreds to thousands dollars

Either you become a miner or flipper, you can earn tens to hundreds and even thousands Dollars.
Miner is basically you mine Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies using any means and way to mine. The simplest one to start mining and without emptying your pocket, is to start mining with your Smartphone (Android). Check here on how to do it, I detailed them on clear step by step guide.
Flipper is basically people who buy and sell Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies.
I am both miner (using my Android just for fun) and flipper.
Check here for FREE and comprehensive guide to get started investing and trading Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies and at the same time get FREE $10 worth of Bitcoin.
Check here to see my Bitcoin story where I gained 100%++ on my Bitcoin purchase within 1-2 months.
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5. Millennial ways earning money: Writer at medium.com or any other platforms
Skill required: Writing
Capital to start with: Internet, computer or phone or tablet
Despite nowadays video is taking over our lives, especially millennials, but trust me as well, there are still people who also read and consume articles – even millennials.
Check here on how to join as medium.com contributor. How much you earn, depends on how good is your articles. The better and more-likeable articles, the more claps you get, the more money comes in. On my first month, I got around $50 from 1 single article. Not bad! I’ll detail it on my future post.
6. Millennial ways earning money: Uber Driver or UberEats Food Delivery
Skill required: Driving, Riding
Capital to start with: Car, Bike
You got yourself a car? That means you can earn money by driving someone to somewhere.
Or you only have a bike with you? Don’t worry, there’s online food delivery like UberEats which can earn you money as well, by using only your bike.
Check here on how to join as UberEats driver (for Singapore but other countries can follow the steps given, since joining steps are more or less the same – you just have to find your local and nearest Uber HQ).
7. Millennial ways earning money: Become Online Courier
Skill required: Carrying and lifting items
Capital to start with: Car, Bike, Walk, or Take Public Transport
People commutes every day. So does earthly items. There’s always something to be passed/delivered to someone else. No wonder company like DHL grows so big even they have their own airplane. Nowadays there’s plenty of courier companies which make use of internet to get help from people and at the same time helping people. So online couriers company takes advantage of this, by making those commuters (us) to help deliver the items to destinations (which normally near their working place or home) and in return give us money.
Check here to see I made money delivering people items.
Bring It All Together
There are nowadays unlimited ways of making money legally. Those 7 are the most common one I found here at Singapore.
The good thing about these millennial ways to earn money is that you don’t need to be the millennial themselves – well good if you are part or considered as millennial. As long as you can do what millennials are craving for, then you can earn millennial money.
I, myself, are not considered millennial, as today I’m 32 years old, but still I earn quite amount of money from those millennial ways of earning money. What about you?
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