Cheapest Bike Sharing in Singapore for February 2018 | Ofo Bike vs Obike vs Mobike vs The rest
To view latest offer and which one is the cheapest Bike Sharing provider in Singapore, do visit:
While the past months, Singapore Residents and Tourists visiting Singapore were able to enjoy free bike rides from either of these bike sharing providers: Ofo Bike, Obike and Mobike, but starting 5th February 2018 ago, all the free rides promotion has gone dry. While I thought they will at least continue the free promotion till this year’s lunar New Year which falls on 16 February 2018 but then my thought is wrong. Free rides promotion period has ended from these big 3 bike sharing providers. Now it’s time to really pay to use the bike sharing services. That’s why I’m staring this article, to find and to share the cheapest bike sharing providers each months, starting with this month for the benefit of me, you, us.
And the cheapest goes to…
This month cheapest bike sharing rental goes to Ofo Bike.

Reason being:
Ofo recently just came out with unbeatable promotion. $1.50 for unlimited rides for 60 days. Which means 2.5 cents/day. How cheap is that! Plus, like what you see in the promotion image above, no deposit needed.
In case you haven’t installed the app, do first install the app. Links provided below. You need to first have the app in order to use/rent the bike.
Once you installed, find the bike and open the app. Scan the QR Code found on the bike to begin rent your bike.
Here’s the download links:
Alternatively, if you can’t use above links to download the app, use the one below:
Android: here is the download link.
iOS: here is the download link.
So what are you waiting for?
Go get it while promotion last.
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