If Earth become borderless, where on Earth do you want to spend the rest of your life? And Why?
Let’s assume you can travel to any countries, any borders without limit and restrictions, your passport allows you to visit any countries and become resident on any of them. Given that kind of freedom and choice to stay, where on Earth do you want to be and why? Let’s for the time being forget about the cost of house and living – let’s assume they are both equally affordable to you. All you need to do is just to choose where do you want to stay on Earth.
My story and my choice.
I was born on tropical country in South East Asia, in a place called Bekasi. I traveled around, did island hopping a few times within the region, but I was never really went abroad until about 12 years back when I got the chance to see other countries – thanks to my job as a consultant. One of them was Singapore. I was so amazingly astonished with Singapore, with how well-organized the country is. Everything looked great, everything looked new. In fact until today – the picture of Singapore remains the same in my head.

Long story short, I moved to and settled in Singapore 8 years back and since then been living here.
While I’m happy with Singapore – neat, organized, clean, less-to-no traffic jams and considered safe country – as someone who is born in tropical area in tropical country and now living in another tropical country, it’s always in my mind and dream (not really dreaming – it’s just like daydreaming) to move, stay, live and spend the rest of my life on a calmer, colder place somewhere on Earth.

I have been to Hong Kong a few times, though they don’t have 4 seasons, but the ambiance and living temperatures there is much more colder – though not throughout the whole year but at certain periods only – compare to here in Singapore and where I was born. Also there’s no language barrier for me, since they understand and speak English. Everything is so like Singapore – except the fact that Hong Kong is not as clean as Singapore (see their buildings and towers, most of them are dirty!) and the average house size which is relatively small compared to other countries.
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I have been to Japan as well a few times. I like the city, I like the streets, temples and transportation. Everything seems to be well-organized – just like Singapore (or should I say, Singapore is like Japan instead?). I also like the mountain areas, the beaches and I like the people – they are kind (at least in the restaurants and hotels). Japan is also way colder than Singapore and Hong Kong. And while it was great and kind of perfect for me (and my daydreaming), the only thing lacking is the language. Language barrier to be exact. I barely understand Japanese.

I have been to South Korea as well, pretty much similar to Japan, it was also a great place to stay but again the only issue I have is the language.
So far, I have only traveled to Asian countries – in addition to whatever I have mentioned above, I’ve been to Bali (Indonesia), Thailand, Malaysia and China. I have never been to Africa, America, Australia and Europe continents, while they are interesting to visit – I’m planning to go there one day – but so far I have no plans to settle and spend the rest of my life on one of those continents. Not sure why but likely language barrier, too crowd, too cold and not that secure.

New Zealand, part of Oceania continent, is my best bet. At least for now. It’s colder than Singapore, bigger in land mass but lesser in population compare to Singapore, have a very good scenery across the country – at this article is written, I’ve never been there, I am just looking at pictures posted on the internet. People in New Zealand, they understand and speak English. The country is also considered safe and living there seems not stressful and full of serenity. Well, I might be wrong since like I said, I’ve never been there before but given all those facts, I am willing to spend the rest of my life living in New Zealand.
That’s my story and my choice. What about YOU?

Well, I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but that’s my story and my choice to stay spending the rest of my life. What about you? Do you have one specific countries or place on Earth where you want to spend the rest your life in?
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