Happy 32nd Birthday to me!
Last year I wished to achieve financial freedom by becoming duopreneur (2 people entrepreneur – husband and wife), and buying my own house. In short, my wife and I managed to buy the house since October last year, and after settling the paperwork, managed to move in earlier this year on April. While my wife and I haven’t achieved our financial freedom yet, but we are in progress to go there. Hoping through my blog and articles (as the entry point)- sharing our experiences to the world which I hope they (blog and articles) can be helpful and useful to those who read them – can lead my wife and me to our financial freedom dream one day.
And as part of achieving that financial freedom dream, my wife and I have also started to learn (-ing by doing) investing. Buying government bonds and companies stocks.
While I’m always grateful and happy with everything I have achieved so far, that doesn’t mean I just stay put and do nothing. This year, I’m hoping I can outperform my ownself.
- as an employee and manager – working as better manager, delivering more projects and giving much better results,
- as a husband – more time with my wife and getting kids,
- as duopreneur – writing and sharing more useful and meaningful articles and
- as an investor – continuing my investment journey, buying more great companies stocks and government bonds.
So if everything works as planned, I will have great families, great networks of great people and at the same time giving contributions to the society and enjoying my financial freedom.
Thanks to my parents, siblings, wife, families and relatives, team mates and members, friends, colleagues for all the supports given. Without you guys, I won’t be here today.
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