The Best of The Best Game Consoles Emulator for Android – Play SEGA DreamCast, MegaDrive, Sony PSP, PlayStation1, Nintendo DS, N64, SNES, NES, and MAME Arcade- All in one place.
I have been very reluctant to share about this, since the topic itself – emulators, to be exact game console emulators – are considered grey area to many. One way, people who use the emulators are happy, while the consoles and game manufacturers and makers are not happy their intellectual properties are being used/abused for free. Recent breakdown was coming from Nintendo, just a few weeks back only. Nintendo was asking LoveROMs and Emuparadise to stop sharing any consoles ROMs hosted on the sites, not just Nintendo own ROMs. Read here the details.
But finally today I made up my mind and would like to let the world know the best consoles emulator for Android.
It’s called Happy Chick. Seriously.
The name is Happy Chick. Probably you laugh, but yes, I’m being serious here.

For most of you, probably this is the first time you hear about it. If you have been in the emulator world for some time, especially for Android, you might have heard about PPSSPP, DraStic, ePSXe, SNES9X, Gensoid, MAME, and many more big known names – since most of them are porting from their PC counterparts. I have been using a few of them as well, until I found and knew about Happy Chick.
I can’t blame you for not knowing Happy Chick, since Happy Chick itself is not really emulator, it’s more like a game console emulators aggregator. And by saying aggregator, I mean it. Like RSS feed aggregator, aggregating all news feeds in one place, Happy Chick does the same thing but for console and arcade games.
Why Happy Chick?
I have been using Happy Chick myself for quite sometime, and I can’t be more happy than this. These are why you should consider Happy Chick.

- It’s a game consoles aggregator, everything is in one place.
- One single install, Happy Chick will take care the rest of game consoles emulators installation.
- Happy Chick supports: Sega DreamCast, MegaDrive (Genesis), Sony PlayStation 1 (PSX), PSP, Nintendo DS, N64, Super Nintendo (SNES), NES, GBA, GBC, GB, Arcade, MAME, PC Engine and few more.
- No need to find BIOS for those supported emulators
- Can search for game ROMs easily
- Totally FREE!
Happy Chick Download Link
Due to the complications and grey area status for emulators, Happy Chick unfortunately is not available to be downloaded via Google Play Store.

And while I’m happy to share the news to you, but I would really want to stay away from troubles. So use this link to help you getting the Happy Chick emulator yourselves. It’s a link to Google Search, returning results related to Happy Chick. Pick the correct one ya! Don’t download the wrong one.
Disclaimer: By installing Happy Chick, you are acknowledging that it’s not a Google Store apps, and you acknowledge that it may contains malicious code that can be harmful to your Android devices. Do install at your own risk. Do not hold me responsible for any data lost/devices damaged, anything.
You need to first download the APK to your Android device. Any Android devices running OS 4.0 or up should be able to install it. Once you have downloaded the APK, install it. In case you can’t, do check the following post here, to enable you to install the APK.
Let me know what you think about Happy Chick
So, emulators enthusiasts, have you tried Happy Chick yourself? If yes, what do you think? Do you agree with me that Happy Chick is the best of the best emulators ever built for Android?

Do leave your comments and thoughts down below on the comment section. Cheers!
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First off, thanks to all of you for working hard on this project! I hope that soon the homebrew community will be able to see it come to fruition. (P.S. Whether it takes another year or more, ill still wait patiently for this.) I will consider a donation once a better working build is released. Keep up the good work
Regards: eve hunt
Square got to final fintasy 6 on the SNES. That is 6 games from 1987 to 1994 while Valve still cant get a nother sequel in 14 years. Japanese developers knows what fans want even if they make failures like 13 they are quick to bring it back. Meanwhile at bethesda. “”Let’s drop another Skyrim and not remake arena or Daggerfall. btw what about paying for mods now? We are to lazy to make our own stuff””
This top 25 sucks!!! even if you made a poll, what people think about games because they remember and an expert opinion from reviewers are totally different thing. To say that both earth worm jim are above super castlevania 4 or that final fantasy 3/6 doesn’t even hit the top 10 is blasphemy. That dk is better than dk2 shame on ya, that mk1 made the cut is ridiculous lmao. Star fox is all hype since it did a lot in the graphical department and push the hardware to something that might be somewhat impossible however the gameplay is not even that fun(not saying is bad either).
If you ask me for a top 5 i could easily say:
The Legend of Zelda – A link to the Past
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy 3/6
Donkey Kong Country 2 tied with Mario Kart
The snes classic mini has 21 games… only…!!!!
pilot wings ???
chrono trigger???
so and so many more
the console COULD have 100 games.
But Copyrighted and money killed OUR DREAMS.
Alisha Ross
“This top 25 sucks!!! even if you made a poll, what people think about games because they remember and an expert opinion from reviewers are totally different thing. To say that both earth worm jim are above super castlevania 4 or that final fantasy 3/6 doesn’t even hit the top 10 is blasphemy. That dk is better than dk2 shame on ya, that mk1 made the cut is ridiculous lmao. Star fox is all hype since it did a lot in the graphical department and push the hardware to something that might be somewhat impossible however the gameplay is not even that fun(not saying is bad either).
If you ask me for a top 5 i could easily say:
The Legend of Zelda – A link to the Past
Chrono Trigger
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy 3/6
Donkey Kong Country 2 tied with Mario Kart”
Regards: Eve Hunt
I’m searching for a super nintendo beat’em’up style game, that I never seen since my childhood.
It featured big buffed guys, and you could beat wending machines, to give you canned drink, that you could drink (seemingly the character was pressing the can against his forehead as he drank) and gain lifebar back.
Anyone remembers?
I have successfully downloaded and installed the current Play! Update for android dated 28-Aug-2017. But, all the isos I see are mostly for pcsx2, of w/c I think are isos meant for pc, am I right? And I’ve tried to use one on Play!. The file is a .7z. The app detected the file but I always get stuck on loading on blank screen after I click, “”launch””. My question is,
1. Am I right that this kind of file would only work for ps2 emulators for pc?
2. If no, what would you suggest me fo? If yes, can you give me a recommendation of website that offers isos for Play! Emulator for android.
Ashlay Jones
except for the fact it isn’t nearly as stable as vba, doesn’t have the customization options of vba, yeah sure, it’s being “updated” the reason vba doesn’t need anymore updates, is because they got it right, it’s been around for almost 2 decades.
Ashlay Jones
“See this looks great but I have gotten used to the comforts of portable consoles that are made for bigger hands.
I don’t miss how my old GBA would give me hand cramps trying to play Metroid Fusion for more than an hour.
If I could find a way to make a GBA XL with a fast forward mode for some games that run particularly slow, I’d be down.
” Always impressed by people who complete things. I’ve had terrible luck actually FINISHING a project. I guess maybe it’s ADD… or my interest in rather boring device drivers and the like. I’ve been able to modify large projects with many thousands of lines, but when it comes to write one from scratch it really is a lot of work. Props!
Ragerds:Moses Brodin
I do agree that all these games are the best for the snes,I would however put final fantasy 3 in the top five and replace Mario Kart putting it in the #6 spot instead and moving the others down,the reason I say this is cause final fantasy 3 was the best rpg on the snes in my opinion, I liked it just a bit more than chrono trigger,now as for a link to the past I do agree 100% that it should be in the #1 spot for lots of reasons, it was amazing,its a shame most kids today haven’t played one of the greatest adventure game of all time,great job this list guys,you finally put out a top 10 I agree with
Harold Burton
Hello. remarkable job. I did not expect this. This is a splendid story. Thanks!
Harold Burton
No other video game console even comes CLOSE to the SNES. I mean, forget about it just winning the 16-bit war with the Genesis (which it absolutely did), it just crushes everything else that was ever released. The amount of all-time great games on this list is just absurd. It has the best platformers, the best JRPGS, the best exclusives, the best versions of the two best fighting games of the 90s, Nintendo worked with developers to push it’s technology to the absolute limit (Donkey Kong Country, Star Fox, Killer Instinct, Super Mario RPG) while it’s competitor was selling an entire other system to catch up. The graphics and gameplay hold up far better than it’s predecessor (the NES) or the it’s immediate successor (the N64) because the capability of 16-bit graphics was perfect for the bright, cartoon pixels of most of the games. The look never goes out of style. The controller is essentially perfect. Just like the system.
Joseph Donahue
The Super Nintendo era was such a great time to grow up in the former United States of America. The early 90’s was a great time to be a kid! It really surprises me how 16-bit game design has not caught on like the over used retro 8-bit has. I was hoping games would start to graduate to the 16-bit era of nostalgia but it has not. Hopefully soon!
Kelly Hubbard
Anyone else remember a little game called Secret of Evermore? It was Secret of Mana Perfected. It still ranks as, in my opinion, one of the greatest RPG’s with a fantastic setting, characters and some wonderful gameplay. It was simple, fast to pick up and almost impossible to put back down. No? Just me? Alright.
Kelly Hubbard
Cool list. Before you started I thought to myself Link to the Past would be at the top of my personal list, but wasn’t sure if others would agree. When you got to number 5 and I still hadn’t seen Link, I was sure it had to be number one. When you said Blackthorne I was like WHAAAT!!???? lol Despite your telling us in the intro that it hadn’t made the list. Made me laugh out loud. Loved the vid. Thought the choices were great, the commentary was funny and the attention given to each game was just the right length. Awesome job! Some of my favs that didn’t make the list .
– Super Punch-Out
– Super Double Dragon
– Breath of Fire
– NBA Jam
– The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Paul Brown
So games like Shadowrun, Demons Crest, Harvest Moon, Actraiser, Ogre Battle, Breath of Fire, Evo, Mystical Ninja, the Super Star Wars games, XMen Mutant Apocalypse, several great Disney platformers, Lost Vikings, Prince of Persia or Battletoads Battlemaniacs don’t make the list, but TWO Mortal Kombat do, despite being highly overrated gimmicky and terrible fighters and being gimped on the SNES compared to their arcade counterparts?! Also, what’s with the lack of SHMUPs?
Paul Brown