Do you know if you are obese, overweight, underweight or just normal? Find out using simple calculation here.
How much do you weigh? Are you considered obese, overweight, underweight or just normal?
Using BMI (aka Body Mass Index) method, you can calculate your body weight and height to help you determine whether you are obese, overweight, underweight or just normal.
What’s BMI? = simple way to calculate whether you are obese, overweight, underweight or normal
According to Wikipedia, Body Mass Index (BMI) or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of an individual. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in meters.
Here’s how to calculate BMI to determine Obesity.

Or if you are using U.S based metrics, use the following formula to get BMI.
It will be good to calculate and get your BMI each and every day, so that you know where you are and to target the intended BMI you want to achieve.

Luckily nowadays there’s plenty of tools (read: scale) which can help you get your BMI scoring without the hassle of doing the calculation. All you need to do is just step into the scale, and they are doing the rest for you.
I, myself, have been using Mi Scale combined with Mi Fit App – both are made by Xiaomi – to not only calculate the BMI for me, but also syncing, storing and keeping my BMI history and giving me good dashboard to see my measures in one glance.

In case you are interested to use the app and the scale like mine, here’s the app download link. The app is free, though the scale is not 🙂
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Mi Fit App Download Link
For Android:
Here is the Google Play Store download link:
Or scan below using your Android devices to get the download link:
Or alternatively, for Android click this link to download.
For iOS:
Here is the Apple App Store download link:
Or scan below using your iPhone / iOS devices to get the download link:
Or alternatively, for iOS click this link to download.
In case you are also interested on the Mi Scale, you can look any electronic store nearby or find it on Amazon. Link below.
Or if you can’t see the offers above, click here to see them.
Which category are you in?
For me, I am 171 cm tall (5.61 feet) and as of today weigh 71.3 kg (157.2 lbs) which falls under Normal. What about you guys? Hopefully you are also in a great shape!

Like what this poster told us, the greatest wealth is health. S0 for those who fall under obese and overweight categories what have you done to achieve your own health and at the same time in a great shape? Same question goes to those fall under underweight and even normal categories. For those under Normal category, just because your BMI falls under normal, doesn’t mean you don’t need to do exercise – you should too!
I was doing Uber Food Delivery last time – but since it was closing down here in Singapore, I’m still looking alternative ways how I can get healthy and at the same time motivated to do it. While I’m searching for a replacement, at the moment I opt for taking stairs rather than escalators when switching between floors on my way from home to office and vice versa.
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