Here we are now on 4th quarter of 2018. What is your progress so far? Where are you on your goals, resolutions & targets?
Where are you now with your 2018 goals, resolutions and targets?
A gentle reminder to everyone. We are now on 4th quarter of 2018 already.
Yes, time runs super fast. It seems 2018 was just happening and yet here we are today in 4th quarter of 2018. We still have left only with this quarter to achieve whatever we have pledged last year for your and my 2018 goals, resolutions and targets.
Do you think you can achieve all of them before the new year is coming?
Here’s My 2018 Goals, Resolutions and Targets Progress
At the beginning of 2018, I did pledged in 7 areas and each areas have their own targets to achieve. Read here to see my pledges back then. Since we are on 4th quarter, I will share my progress as of 3rd quarter 2018.
To see my past progress, do check here.

1. As individual: In 2018 I pledge to do whatever I’m doing good in 2017 and to keep staying healthy, maintain good weigh – now I’m 70KGs, get life insurance for me and my wife.
Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: Good. Last 2 quarter ago, Uber was closing here in Singapore and since then I never really did weekend “sport” anymore – delivering food by walking to customer doorsteps. However I still managed to maintain my weight at average 71KGs. Thanks to myself who pick staircases over elevators. Also I begin to do morning “lite” exercises running around the house and do stretching which I hope can turn into a habit.
2. As an employee and a manager: get certified on latest Technology, document the framework, create more helpful templates for peers to start working, be more caring to team members – making sure none of them are left behind in terms of skill development.
Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: Good. I was assigned to do new project with new tool. As a result, I went for training and eligible for a free certification, so I did take the certification. No result come out yet since it’s beta certification – it takes 4-6 weeks to get the result out. Hopefully I pass the certification. I also made progress on documentations and framework. Part of the progress, all the templates I have built, I tried to use it myself as well as distribute them to others (my team members) as well to start using the template and framework made.
3. As a future entrepreneur: to get more and steady passive income from and its spin off, to make my blog to be more users friendly and search engine friendly, to be financially free at the age of 35.

Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: Great. Last 2 quarters ago, I implemented Google Adsense to my blog, while I can say the amount generated from Google AdSense can’t cover my day to day living cost, but at least as of today, it can buy me a glass of coffee at the hawker center. At minimum I earn $1 each day from Google AdSense. Thanks everyone for all of your support! Since implementing it on 2nd quarter, as of today in 4th quarter I have accumulated $500++ in total from Google Adsense. It’s not a big number but at least I got something to cover for my next year payment of both my blog domain and hosting. Check here how you can implement AMP pages and at the same time show ads from Google AdSense.
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4. As an investor: in 2017 I managed to invest in government bonds, Bitcoin and my first property. For 2018 I’m looking to better diversify and be financially aware and savvy on financial terms and products to see how they can financially help improve my wife and my life.

Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: Great. As of last quarter, my wife and I managed to secure our house (now we are living inside the house) and from the security account opened on 1st quarter, now my wife and I managed to purchase 2 company stocks (1 local 1 overseas). I also managed to diversify by investing in Singapore CPF account.
5. As a modern non-nomadic person: Finalize home purchase and move in to the new house.

Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: It’s Done. Property purchase was finalized and we have moved in since early 2nd quarter of 2018.
6. As a husband: less gadgets time, more communication and time with wife, get a kid.
Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: Good but can be better. The area I’m still lagging behind, but I do make progress on the less gadget time and to have more communication and time with my wife – though no concrete result yet (no kids yet).
7. As a human being: be more social, talk and willing to know more people. Be more on giving and forgiving.
Progress I made as of 3rd quarter 2018: Going Great. I have tried to talk to everyone I met – be it taxi drivers who sent me back from office to home or strangers I met on lift – at least I did say “Hi!” to them. Be less emotional and try not to take everything personally.
What about YOU?
Those are my progress as of 3rd quarter of 2018. How about you? How far are you from reaching your own 2018 goals, resolutions and targets?
This is the last quarter of 2018, so do try your best to achieve whatever left on your plate. Don’t give up so easily and try not to carry over too much items and things for next coming year, otherwise likely it will be repeated over and over to the next years or so.
I did write an article about strategies, tips and tricks you can apply to help you achieve your goals, resolutions and targets. Be sure to check it here.
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