Ways and how to get better higher salary raise.
Everybody loves to get better and higher salary. But unfortunately not everyone is aware and/or willing to do what needs to be done to achieve that.
Here are things you should consider doing to get better and higher salary raise.

1) Be problem solver for your boss issues.
And not the other way around: be a problem maker. You are hired to solve things at the company, so aim to do that. Less complaint, more actions and more actual results.
2) Deliver tasks or projects on time.
Highlight any blockers and potential blockers and see if any of those blockers can be deprioritized. Don’t let yourself wait for something way too long, either follow up or switch to another doable tasks.
3) Under promised but over-delivered.
And not the other way around, over-promised but under-delivered. Don’t say yes to everything but at the same time, don’t say no to everything as well. Balance it out.
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4) Improvise and take more responsibility.
If something can be done way much better and more efficient, why not. Wanted to get higher and better salary raise, do take more responsibilities. No offense but don’t expect a cleaner salary to be way higher than a CEO salary – it’s going to be very rare occasion.
5) Be an initiative and creative person.
Don’t deliver just based on what you are told. Do more (in a good way) than you are told but try not to mess it up.
6) Upgrade your skill.
Get certified. Get training. Learn something new.
7) Ask for it.
But be sure do your homework first. List out what have you done and having good results and compare with what you missed/getting bad results. If the good weigh higher than the bad, it’s time to ask for it. Be sure to also check the market price.
Have you done all of those?
If no, then start doing them now. It’s always better to be late rather than nothing. I know they are easier said than done, but here are some handy tips, another handy tips, some other great tips and another great tips to up yourself and get yourself ready for those actions.
If you have done all of those but still not getting a good pay raise or not satisfied, then it’s time to jump ship. There could be some other companies who value you better than your current employer.
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