Invest using SRS Account: Steps to link DBS Vickers Account to use SRS Account as method of purchase | Singapore
These are what you need.
1) DBS Vickers account.
2) SRS account.
This guide, unfortunately won’t provide details on how to open DBS Vickers account as well as SRS account. Do Google them to find out more how to open either DBS Vickers account or SRS account. This guide, however, provides you the necessary step by step you need to do to link your DBS Vickers account to your SRS account so that you can invest and make use your SRS account.
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Here are the steps to link your SRS Account into DBS Vickers Account
You can do this either on a computer or a smartphone with internet connection. Just ensure you have the DBS/POSB token with you.
1) Open DBS Vickers URL on a browser. Here’s the link: Once opened, click on “Log in to DBS Vickers”.
2) When prompted, key in your User ID and Password.

3) On the main menu after logged in, on top menu, find and click on “My Account” then “Account Management”. You’ll get redirected to Account Management page.

4) On Account Management page, under “Online Instructions”, click on “Update CPF/SRS Account”. You’ll get redirected, this time to Update CPF/SRS Account page.
5) On CPF/SRS Account page, since this guide is about linking SRS account, select “SRS” on the Investment Type, then depends on where is your SRS account is, select the appropriate bank under Agent Bank. FYI, in Singapore there are currently only 3 banks accepting SRS account creation: DBS (or POSB), OCBC and UOB.

6) Once you have selected the appropriate bank, on the Investment Account No, do fill in your SRS Account number detail. Ensure you are keying in the correct detail.
7) Click on “Preview” to preview the account to link, then click on “Submit” if everything is correct.

8) You’ll be redirected to One-Time PIN page, grab your DBS/POSB token, then follow the on-screen instruction. Key in the One-Time PIN and click “Continue”.

If you do it correctly and successfully, you’ll get the following message on screen, “Your request to update CPF/SRS Account has been submitted, and will be processed in approximately 2 working days”, follow by an SMS sent to your registered mobile number.
That’s it. Wait for 2 days to get your SRS account link to your DBS Vickers account. Once linked, you’ll be able to make use of your SRS funds to fund your investment.
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