Apple Pay Cash Availability
At the time this article is written, 3rd December 2017 (Singapore time) – Apple has just released iOS 11.2 to the world. FYI, iOS 11.2 is the first iOS that supports Apple Pay Cash (you can see on the image below).
iOS 11.2 Downloaded and Install, but no Apple Pay Cash …
Once I saw iOS 11.2 has been released to public, I directly downloaded and installed it, however only to find that currently Apple Pay Cash is not supported yet in Singapore. Outside Singapore, if currently you also could not find Apple Pay Cash on your Wallet Setting (Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay), there’s nothing wrong with your iPhone or iOS devices, it’s just Apple has not really rolled-out Apple Pay Cash to the rest of the world – despite its written on the iOS 11.2 world-wide updates.
Here’s what Apple support page is saying.

Here’s the actual Apple Support page in case you need more details and seek for updates of when it’s going to be available in more countries including Singapore: Check here.
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Alternatives to Apple Pay Cash (for Singapore)
While Apple Pay Cash has not reached Singapore shore yet, doesn’t mean you can’t do transfer lunch or dinner money to friends. In fact in Singapore, long before Apple announced Apple Pay Cash, Singapore has implemented the similar model to Apple Pay Cash. The pioneer was DBS Bank and POSB Bank with its Paylah! then followed by other banks and other financial institution and even stand-alone new companies. Recently 2-3 months back, Singapore government also issued and released a standard e-payment that all Singapore banks are now using, called PayNow.
So while waiting for Apple to bring Apple Pay Cash to Singapore, with all these alternatives that Singapore has, have you ever used one of them to make e-payment to merchants and/or transferring money? Which one is more convenient, pay cash or pay using digital e-Payment like Apple Pay Cash or DBS Paylah! ? Do give your comments down below on comments section.
For me personally, I do embrace all these new technologies, even I’m myself using DBS Paylah! long time back and started using SG Government PayNow to transfer money although today it’s very limited to only to few friends and colleagues. When I go to hawker center to eat my lunch and see all these e-payment systems (normally in forms of stickers telling such e-payment available on the stall), I would really like to give it a try, but I guess it’s going to be too troublesome to do it in hawker center, especially if the hawker stall is crowded and has a very long queue, plus I’m afraid that the store keeper might not be tech-savvy (or at least remember how to use it – since most likely based on my own sighting, people seldom use this e-payment method – so the store keeper might have forgotten how to do it). Rather than making it quick (I believe this is the original idea why Singapore Government pushing towards e-payment), most of the times it makes the queue even worst since the store keeper is very nice willing to give it a try for you, which either successful after few times trials or end up I’m paying with cash. What do you guys think?
If you are not Singapore residents, do you also have alternatives to Apple Pay Cash – those which have been introduced before Apple Pay Cash? Do also give your comments down below on comments section. Cheers!
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