This 5G killer feature will be amazing!
Only if it turns into a reality.
30 years ago from today, to meet someone you even know (Eg: friends or family member) but both of you are coming from different places, you needed to call and made appointment in advance and had to state the exact location and time to meet him. In case one of you were late to the appointment or lost to find the place, the other person had to wait and he would have a hard time to find the other person.
Fast forward 10 years (20 years ago from today), people no longer needed to do it (call and make appointment in advance), they could just place a call from their mobile phone or exchange SMS one to another to meet somewhere and update the exact location and timing in case one of them were late to the appointment.

Fast forward another 10 years (10 years ago from today), distance was no longer an issue, though there’s wasn’t any warping machine (even today there isn’t one yet) but you could now make video call at a very reasonable prices.
Fast forward again to today (present time), we are now almost border-less. Meeting can be done online (via help of GoToMeeting, Webex), video call which used to be a paid service now they are free (you just need to have a data plan) and use FaceTime or WhatsApp or something alike to make a video call, you can play games online and together across the world – no matter where you are.

That’s basically story about how cellular technology evolved the past 30 years, from 1st generation (1G) till fourth generation (or what we known as 4G LTE).
In summary, these are the killer features on every generation of cellular technology.
1G: call on mobile
2G: SMS and internet on mobile (GPRS)
3G: MMS and video calling
4G: Faster speed, live streaming, high definition images and videos as internet entertainment (think YouTube and Facebook)
Then what will be 5G killer feature?
While for sure 5G is going to be a lot faster than 4G, but like every generation before 5G, they have at least one killer feature that is going to make the technology become mainstream and likable by everyone.
I am envisioning thin client technology as 5G killer feature that enables Smartphone or Computer as a Service (SoCaaS) but without the Smartphone and the Computer itself, more on the power of both computer and smartphone on a more non-intrusive hands-free gadget like watch or glasses.
It’s like thin client technology we know today, but…
Think about thin client technology that the world now use them on PC, where the client doesn’t need to be powerful, but behind they are backed by powerful server.

Apply thin client concept into smartphone as service and apply it not into smartphone but watch or glasses. Your smart glasses and smart watch act as thin client, connect to the cloud where you can get full capability of what today best smartphone and computer can do plus the best AI can deliver.
Here’s what I think is going to be cool.
Smart glasses: can do AR (think like Pokemon Go, but for much more usable for everyday life and interaction), VR (for meeting, gaming), capture high resolution photos and videos, GPS, live language translation

Smart watch: voice controlled, health monitoring and predicting service, can control your Tesla and other smart car, can store all of your data (documents, photos, videos) and when in need can quickly flash to smart glasses or a nearby monitor for better viewing.

In short, smartphone will be a thing in the past and so will computer. It’s the same way you look and feel when you see the iPod compared with grandpa’s radio or parent’s walkman or when you see today’s Tesla and all its features compared with Jeep from World War II.
With 5G super fast data transfer, it helps smart glasses and smart watch to be light as possible (thin client) but as powerful today’s smartphone and computer via cloud connectivity to the backend server.
Are you with me? How’s that looks like? Cool aren’t they?
Let’s hope that vision of mine is going to be a reality soon!
For other interesting articles related to 5G, you can check them here.
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