Reason why Apple may consider jump into iPhone 12 instead of iPhone 11S
Simple. To avoid confusing iPhone naming.
Some background to give you the idea
Back in 2018 when Apple releasing the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR for the first time, do you know which one is more superior than the other?
If you know, it’s very likely either you are geek enough in mobile spaces or an Apple Fanboy. If you don’t know, just guess it. You may or may not guess it correctly. Anyway, if your guessing is wrong, well don’t worry, it’s not your fault. It’s Apple fault for using such confusing nomenclature.

The least superior iPhone to the most superior iPhone back in iPhone XS, XS Max and XR era were iPhone XR (least superior), XS, XS Max (most superior). Did you get it right?
I did write an article 2 years back, highlighting the reason behind why Apple chose “R” for its least superior iPhone XR and not something else. In short, “R” is one character before “S” and that makes iPhone XR is behind iPhone XS, but guess what? Not everyone is smart enough to figure them out. Here’s the article I mentioned about.
Now let’s compare between iPhone XS nomenclature and iPhone 11 nomenclature
Now last year 2019 generation of iPhone: iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max, do you know which one is more superior than the other? Make a guess if you don’t know.
I can bet if I’m running a survey among you, higher chances many of you will guess it correctly this time – compare when you guess iPhone XS and its siblings.
The least superior to the most superior iPhone in iPhone 11 era are iPhone 11 (least superior), 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max (most superior).
Now you tell me, which one is much easier to understand? Of course, the iPhone 11 nomenclature is far more easier to guess and understand than the iPhone XS is.
Confusing iPhone Nomenclature
If there’s one reason why Apple is going to release the next gen 2020 iPhone as iPhone 12 instead of iPhone 11S is to avoid making the same mistake it was doing back in iPhone XS era – confusing iPhone nomenclature.

Using iPhone 12 as the next gen iPhone name and releasing 3 devices at the same time, will be much less confusing to consumers: iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max. Even if Apple has the fourth device, the nomenclature will still work just fine: iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro Max Flex.
iPhone 11s vs iPhone 12
So what do you think? Will Apple release the next gen 2020 iPhone as iPhone 11s or iPhone 12?
Do give your comments down below on the comment section.
For sure we are going to find out soon in about 7-8 months time when Apple is finally launched the next gen 2020 iPhone around September to October 2020.
Meanwhile, let’s take a look at what EverythingApplePro has for us on iPhone 12 leaks.
Here you go.
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