Get rid of annoying telemarketers & calling-salespersons, simply by doing this 1-time less-than-5-minutes exercise
- This less-than-5-minutes exercise shall keep your life, work and play much more peaceful.
- Depends on where you live, but typically there are 3 options: Register online, by SMS or by Phone call, details below.
- Check on things to note below to set your expectation right.
While busy working, suddenly you hear your phone ringing or vibrating, the number is a number you didn’t know before. Thinking it’s an important call, you pick it up only to find that it’s just another telemarketing call. Have you been in such scenario before? I did and has happened multiple times. Not only by call, but also by messages.
How many telemarketing calls and messages do you receive within a day? If it’s a lot and deem them as annoying, you may want to consider doing this less-than-5-minutes exercise.
Sorry for all telemarketers and salespersons out there, please don’t take this personally.
Meet Do Not Call Registry
Do Not Call Registry, like its name suggested, is a service typically provided and initiated by the local authority or government body where you live to regulate telemarketers and calling-salesperson alike to avoid calling or texting you with advertisement or telemarketing messages.
Here’s the Do Not Call Registry I can find on the internet, they are sorted alphabetically.
Country | Do Not Call |
Australia | |
Brazil | |
Canada | |
India | |
Singapore | |
United Kingdom | |
United States | |
For other countries I do not mention above, you can simply Google with this keyword, “Do Not Call <Country Name>” or “Do Not Call Registry <Country Name>” or if you are non-English native country, you can Google around using the common language used in the country.
Here’s how to register your number into Do Not Call Registry Service.
1) Ensure the website is the official government website. All the websites I listed above, should be the official website, however you may want to cross-check yourself just to be safe. If the country where you live isn’t listed above, do Google for it, depends on where you live, but Government website typically ends with .gov.xx (where xx refers to the country code).
2) Register. Open the website, typically it gives you with 3 choices: Register online, via SMS or via Phone call. Choose which one suit you the best.
3) Confirm. Whichever choices you made, the website shall ask confirmation whether it’s truly you requesting the “Do Not Call” service. If you are registering online, you’ll get SMS OTP number to be keyed-in into the website.
That’s should be it. Overall, the whole exercise should be less than 5 minutes, but the impact is huge! No more disturbance from telemarketers or calling-salesperson alike anymore.
Things to note on Do Not Call Registry Service.
1) The registration does not expire. In Singapore case, once registered into Do Not Call Registry Service, the list holds forever, means until you remove your number from the Do Not Call Registry service, you won’t get call & messages from the telemarketers or salesperson alike.
2) Need a few days to a week to activate. In some circumstances, once registered into Do Not Call Registry Service, it may take a few days until a full week for Do Not Call to take effect, so don’t expect straight-away to not get any telemarketing calls or messages.
3) There are bad actors everywhere. While most companies (especially big ones) are comply to this Do Not Call Registry service, but there are companies which do not adhere to the service, in that case, if you are getting any telemarketing calls or messages, do report them to the Do Not Call Registry website to let the authority take action, so next time you won’t get call anymore.
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