Fix for iPhone Wi-Fi keeps Reconnecting After Updating to iOS 14
A rather simple fix for annoying issue.
- This fix should resolve your iPhone issue where Wi-Fi keeps getting disconnected then reconnected then disconnected again.
- This is also applicable for iPad running iPadOS 14 and iPod Touch.
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When I am at home, I always connect my iPhone to my Wi-Fi network. Not only it’s faster but also it’s save my data plan quota. It was always working fine before I updated my iPhone to iOS 14. Every now and then, my iPhone Wi-Fi keeps reconnecting, prompting me to list of Wi-Fi available nearby though I have previously connected to one of the Wi-Fi.
In case you are in the similar situation like mine, I have a working solution for you. This worked best for me. Let me know on the comment section down below in case it does / doesn’t work for you.
Here’s how fix Wi-Fi keeps reconnecting issue on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
This works and tested on iOS 14 (iOS 14.4 to be exact), while I didn’t test for other version of iOS (I don’t have the device in my possession to test), but I do think it should works too for other version of iOS.
1) Go to Settings > Wi-Fi.
2) Select the Wi-Fi you wish to connect and somehow keeps reconnecting. Ensure you are connected to the Wi-Fi.
3) Then tap (i) button next to the connected Wi-Fi.
4) Inside the Wi-Fi settings, turn ON “Auto-Join”. Auto-Join ensures you are automatically rejoining the Wi-Fi if ever you are getting disconnected.
5) Still inside the Wi-Fi settings, turn OFF “Private Address”. Private Address is something new that Apple introduced in iOS 14 with the intention to spoof your MAC address on different Wi-Fi network you are connecting (means different Wi-Fi network, you’ll have different MAC address hence increase privacy) so that advertisers / trackers unable to track you all over the world. Read here for more details:
Bring it all together
The new Private Address feature somehow is messing up with my Wi-Fi router. Turning Private Address off, coupled with turning on Auto-Join, resolved my Wi-Fi-keeps-getting-disconnected issue.
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