iPhone Tip: Enable Emergency Bypass so your iPhone keep ringing for select people despite Focus mode or DND or silent is turned on
Here’s how you can setup your iPhone to make exceptions for select few people so that it keeps ringing and vibrating despite DND/Focus Mode/Silent mode turned on
- This article share how you can setup your iPhone to keep ringing for select people despite Silent mode/DND/Focus Mode turned ON.
- Although this article is meant for iPhone and iOS, the same steps work the same for iPad and iPadOS.
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With iOS 15, Apple introduced Focus feature which like its name, helping you to focus while you are doing what you plan to do – be it working, sleeping, exercising, playing games or whatever activities you are intended to do. Before iOS 15, Apple also has DND feature – Do Not Disturb – feature which basically does the same thing: Ensuring you focus on what you are doing / planning to do.

Now what if there’s some exceptions to Focus and DND mode, say, if your parents, spouse, kids, close friends or boss – those are people you deemed important to you – are texting and calling, you want your iPhone still ringing and vibrating despite you set your iPhone in DND mode or in Focus mode? Luckily, there’s this “hidden” feature that let’s you bypass DND and Focus mode, so when these important people are calling and texting, you can still hear your iPhone ringing and vibrating. The feature is called “Emergency Bypass”. Check out how you can activate “Emergency Bypass” for important persons.
Here’s how to enable Emergency Bypass so your iPhone keeps ringing when important people are calling despite DND and Focus mode set to ON
All the steps written here are tested on: Latest iOS – at the time this article is written is iOS 15.5 and using the iPhone that I currently have – iPhone XR. In case you are not on iOS 15 or iPadOS 15 yet, check the link here to get iOS 15 & iPadOS 15: Here’s how to update iPhone to iOS 15 today (iPad and iPod Touch included!) at JILAXZONE. Should you are using different version of iOS or iPadOS, the steps may be slightly different but should not deviate too much. Anyway, in case you have questions / issues, feel free to put them down on the comment section down below, I’ll be more than happy to help you. |

Step 1) On your iPhone, go to “Phone” app.
Step 2) Inside Phone app, go to “Contacts”.
Step 3) Under Contacts, tap on any important person you would like your iPhone to still ringing despite DND and Focus mode turned on.
Step 4) Inside the person contact screen, tap on “Edit” and tap on “Ringtone”.
Step 5) Inside Ringtone screen, turn on “Emergency Bypass”.
Step 6) Tap “Done”.
By setting up Emergency Bypass, it allows sounds and vibrations from this person even when the ring switch is set to silent, or when a Focus is on. If you have more than 1 important person, you may want to redo the steps above for your other important persons.
Bring it all together
Another day another iPhone and iOS Tips. This time is how you can bypass DND and Focus mode, so any important persons who text or call you in, you can still hear your iPhone ringing and vibrating so you won’t miss any important calls or messages from them.

Interested to see other iPhone and iOS tips and tricks? Check them out here: iPhone and iOS tips and tricks at JILAXZONE.
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