Fix for “Dead” Nintendo Switch Pro Controller & Nintendo Switch Joy-Con that won’t turn on
- This article shares the simple guide to revive the seemingly dead Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Nintendo Switch Joy-Con before you throwing them away for good.
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Your Nintendo Switch Joy-Con or Nintendo Switch Pro Controller suddenly gave up on you although they are pretty new? Well, you are not alone. There are apparently plenty of people experiencing the same thing. While the main root cause at this moment is still unidentified – some say due to previously connect to PC / Android, some other say because they let the controller battery to flat, but they are all having the same common issue: Joy-Con and Pro-Controller are unable to turn on and they are not responding with any button pressed and even when they are charged.
Well, I hope you have not thrown away those poor Joy-Con and Pro-Controller because apparatently they are not dead yet! Recently I stumbled upon interesting thread on Reddit, where this u/imnotgoats sharing his experience on Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and how he managed to bring the controller back from the dead.
Here’s the fix for seemed dead Nintendo Switch Joy-Con and Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Before bringing the controller to the service center or throwing the controller away, try to do these steps.

Press the SYNC button on the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con or Nintendo Switch Pro Controller a few times. The SYNC button on the Joy-Con is a small round button located in between SL and SR buttons. The SYNC button on the Pro-Controller is a small round button located on top of the controller, next to the charging port. |

In case pressing SYNC button a few times doesn’t bring the controller back to life, you may want to try doing it while charging the controller.
Bring it all together
Thanks to u/imnotgoats for his sharing clever finding, I hope if you have a seemingly dead controller, with the method shared above, you can bring it back to life.
In case you are interested to see the original Reddit thread, check out here: PSA: If your Pro Controller appears to be completely dead and won’t charge, don’t despair – there may be a quick and easy fix! at Reddit.

Interested to see other Nintendo Switch tips and tricks, including other tricks to identify fake Nintendo Switch and how to keep Switch battery to last longer? Check them out here: Nintendo Switch tips and tricks at JILAXZONE.
Looking for Nintendo Switch Joy-Con or Pro Controller?
In case the above method doesn’t work for you and you are looking for a replacement, Check out the link below where you can get them.
Nintendo Switch Joy-Con | The iconic Nintendo Switch Controller – The Joy-Cons! Get Nintendo Switch Joy-Con on Amazon Get Nintendo Switch Joy-Con on AliExpress | |
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller | Wanting something more Pro and better ergonomics? Check out the Pro Controller. Get Nintendo Switch Pro Controller on Amazon Get Nintendo Switch Pro Controller on AliExpress |
Note: If you buy anything from Amazon or AliExpress using any of the links above, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost charged on your purchases. Thanks for your support! |
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