Singtel GOMO: How to check remaining data roaming quota / balance & validity
Either you are currently overseas and have subscribed to SingTel GOMO data roaming plan or you have just trying to gather all the needed information as much as you can before finally going overseas with your SingTel GOMO, on this article, I’m going to show you how easy it is to check your SingTel GOMO remaining data roaming quota & validity.
- This article share the steps to check data roaming balance/quota and validity on SingTel GOMO.
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Here’s how to check SingTel GOMO Data Roaming Plan Remaining Quota / Balance & Validity
Follow these steps to check remaining Data Roaming balance, quota and validity.
Step 1) Ensure you have GOMO app installed
First you must have GOMO app installed on your phone. In case you don’t have it installed, use the following link to get it installed.
Apple App Store | GOMO Singapore App for iOS |
Google Play Store | GOMO Singapore App for Android |
Alternative app download link | |
Step 2) Ensure you are subscribing to GOMO roaming data plan

To be able to see your remaining Data Roaming balance / quota & its validity, ensure you are subscribing to GOMO Data Roaming first. In case you have not subscribed, do check here: How to enable Data Roaming on SingTel GOMO at JILAXZONE.
Step 3) Check Data Roaming
Inside GOMO app, navigate to Home tab.
On Home tab, tap on “Roaming” button located on upper screen to bring you to the roaming status, including the Data Roaming quota / balance and validity.

There you should be able to find the remaining balance of your roaming data plan as well as its validity. In case you can’t find any, that’s because you have not or are not subscribed to any Data Roaming plan.
Bring it all together
Now you don’t need to worry running out of data roaming quota while abroad since there’s an easy way to check. When the data roaming balance is getting lower, you can consider topping-up the quota. The steps of topping up is the same like how you subscribe to a data roaming plan, just in case you need, here’s the step by step guide how to subscribe to SingTel GOMO data roaming plan: How to enable Data Roaming on SingTel GOMO at JILAXZONE.
In case you have queries or encounter any difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask as I’ll be happy to assist. Use the comment section down below to place your queries/questions.

Interested to see other Singapore related tips and tricks? Check them out here: Singapore at JILAXZONE.
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