Want to be a successful YouTuber? Check this 101 FREE online courses for everything YouTube
YouTuber can be a life-choice career path you want to seek and pursue. Not only you can become the next star, you can also earning lifetime income from it!
Known or heard PewDiePie, Ninja, Yuya, Dude Perfect or even 8 year-old Ryan on Ryan’s World? Those are few of most popular YouTuber channels in the world which for sure, they are earning not just hundreds dollars, not thousands dollars, but millions of dollars!
Who doesn’t want to be a successful YouTuber like them? Apart from becoming famous on the internet, you are likely getting chance to – like them – earning hundreds to thousands or even millions of dollars – depends on the size of your audiences.
101 Free Online Courses for Everything YouTube from YouTube Creator Academy
In case you have convinced yourself that you want to be the next YouTube stars or be the next successful content creators or at least you are going to give it a try but don’t know where to start, you are on the right place as I’m sharing you this, so you can be aware and hopefully can take advantages out of it.

It’s made by YouTube team themselves, there are courses, articles, explanatory videos related how to be better at YouTube. Good thing is that they are totally FREE!
From getting started, content strategy to production and how to better optimize your channel for viewing and monetization – all of them are FREE for your consumptions and learning.
Here’s how you can get it
1) Open the following link: https://creatoracademy.youtube.com
2) Then login with your Google Account.
That’s it. Like I said, every courses has its own explanatory video.
I, myself, have joined the courses and learning quite many things from them, though I’m still far away from becoming a successful YouTuber – partly because I’m still new on the field and a bit late to join the party, and probably the same goes to you – that why you are here reading this article, but better be late rather than nothing. And I always believe there’s always a market for everyone so long you do it right.
So, wait no more, hit the link, learn the lessons and start making the next big hit! May success be with you and me, hurrah!

Visit my YouTube channel here and do give comments what you think on my videos so far: Jonathan Jilaxzone’s YouTube
Looking for other tips and tricks related to YouTube, get them here: https://jilaxzone.com/?s=youtube
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