iPhone Tips: Always showing Desktop Website when browsing with Safari
- Learn how to always show website page in Desktop version so intead of seeing the mobile version of the website page, you see what you normally see when browsing from Desktop.
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Though nowadays there’s pretty much less-to-no difference in contents between mobile version of website pages and their desktop version counterpart, but if for some reasons, you need to either selectivly show or always show all website pages you are visiting in Desktop mode, you can easily do it on your Safari app in iPhone.
Here’s how to show all website page in Desktop Version when browsing with Safari
1) Go to Settings > Safari.
2) Scroll down to the SETTINGS FOR WEBSITES section. Tap on “Request Desktop Website”.
3) Inside Request Desktop Website, turn on “All Websites” to show all pages in Desktop version.
This settings above is affecting all Safari tabs, enabling all supported websites to show their Desktop version instead of mobile version. For example, after turning on “All Websites”, when you open “https://google.com”, you’ll now be redirected to the Desktop version of Google rather than the mobile version.
In case you want to only show certain Safari tabs in Desktop version while keep the rest in mobile version, do this intead.
Here’s how to only show certain page in Desktop Version when browsing with Safari
1) First you have to disable the Request Desktop Website for All Websites. Go to Settings > Safari > Request Desktop Website. Turn off “All Websites”. Skip this step if it’s already turned off.
2) Open Safari app.
3) Navigate to the tab you want it to be in Desktop version. Open the website you want to visit in Desktop version by keying in the URL in the address bar.
4) Once the website is opened, on the left side of the Safari address bar, tap on the “aA” icon > “Request Desktop Website”.
Bring it all together
With these 2 tips, you can now browsing from your iPhone Safari to show either selected website or all websites in their Desktop version. Just in case you want to switch back to show website in mobile version, you just need to turn off the Request Desktop Website setting.
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