Windows 11: Easy way to move Windows start button back to the left side
One of the design changes that you straight away notice and feel the first time you are using Windows 11 (or even after subsequent uses) is the Windows logo or Windows button or Windows start button – whatever you like to call it, but in this article I’ll call it as Windows start button – is now no longer located on the bottom left corner of the screen. It is now appearing at the bottom center of the screen.
- This article detailed the steps on how you can move Windows start button back to bottom left corner of the screen.
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Like it or not, the new Windows 11 taskbar is pretty much similar to taskbar on MacOS, not on the similarity application icons (no, they are different) but on the application icons location being at the center. There are people who like the change made but there are also people who doesn’t like on the design change.
I – for someone who is using Windows on daily basis at work and despite I love the new design change – still unable to get used to the new design, especially when it comes to clicking the Windows Start button. In Windows 10 or before, I don’t really care where my mouse pointer was, I just navigate my mouse cursor to the most bottom left and click on it, for sure I clicked the correct Windows Start button. However with Windows 11, I can’t do the same thing anymore, I have to consciously navigate my mouse cursor to the correct location of the Windows 11 Start button to be able to click the button properly. If you are like me – you don’t like the new design or have not get used to the new Windows 11 start button location, luckily there’s an easy tweak for you to do to make the windows start button back to its original place – bottom left corner of the screen. Here’s how you can revert it back to the old-school Windows Start button location – bottom left corner of the screen.

Here’s the simple steps on how to move Windows start button to the bottom left corner on Windows 11
1) Open Taskbar Setting
On your Windows 11 PC, at the bottom taskbar, do right click at the bottom taskbar, then select on “Taskbar settings”.
2) Set Taskbar Alignment to the Left
Inside Taskbar settings, find “Taskbar behaviors” and click on it. On “Taskbar alignment”, change “Center” into “Left”. Close the Taskbar settings.
You should now see the Windows 11 taskbar has been move to he left – its original place like old-school Windows!
You have not used Windows 11 yet? Here’s how you can get & install Windows 11 today.
At the time this article is written, Windows 11 has not been released to the public masses yet, however that doesn’t mean you can’t install Windows 11 today. Microsoft released an official guide and way to get Windows 11 ahead of everyone else. Do check out this article to get Windows 11 on your PC today: I’m updating my PC to Windows 11 today and here’s how you can update yours too at JILAXZONE.
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