This is how you can download Fortnite today after Apple & Google kicked it out from the App Store

You can still play Fortnite while waiting the issue between Epic – Apple & Google to settle.

Recently, Fortnite is kicked out from both Apple App Store and Google Play Store. In case you didn’t know about it, Google for the news.

If you have Fortnite installed already on your phone/tablet, then good for you. But what if you had deleted it before and now want to play Fortnite? This is how you can still install Fortnite on either Android or iOS today – tested both on Android and iOS.

Install Fortnite: If you are using Android

Lucky for Android users, you can still install Fortnite from its official web. This method works both whether you have previously installed Fortnite or new to Fortnite. Here’s the link:

From your Android browser:

From your Computer browser:

Fortnite Android apk download link
Tap Download to download Fortnite APK to your Android device

To install Fortnite using above link, you need to sideload the game into your Android. Take a look here for the detailed step by step: Sideloading on Android.

Install Fortnite: If you are using iOS (iPhone or iPad)

Things a little bit tricky if you are using iOS, but here’s how you can get Fortnite to install on your iOS device:

If you had Fortnite installed before:

Update on 8 Sep 2020: Few weeks back Apple has terminated Epic Games account, so this method is no longer working – left with sideloading only. Refer to section below to do sideloading.

1) From your iOS device, go to App Store.

2) Inside App Store, go to Search tab. Tap on your Apple ID icon (located on top right of the screen). This should bring you to your account page.

3) Under the account page, tap on “Purchased”. Once the page is fully loaded, tap on the “All” tab, then on the search bar, type “Fortnite”.

At the time this article is written, I can still find “Fortnite” and I still can install it to my iPhone. Hopefully Apple won’t delete/restrict this method and the issue between Apple and Epic can be quickly settled.

If you never install Fortnite before:

At this moment, I don’t really have a working solution yet, but a few things in mind are these:

1) Borrow your family/friends account who has Fortnite installed before, using their account, and follow the steps above, you should be able to install Fortnite into your iOS device. This is given Apple won’t restrict this method in the future.

sideloading apps and games to ios
Easiest way to sideload app and games to iPhone and other iOS devices: AltStore!

2) Sideloading Fortnite. I’m currently opening a thread in Reddit to ask people how sideloading is possible for Fortnite. You can follow the updates on the link below. Hopefully there’s will be a way to get Fortnite sideloaded.

Reddit Fortnite sideloading thread:

Complete step by step to sideload games or apps to iOS: iOS sideloading.

Bring it all together

As the end users, I’m hoping for the best for all of us – the end consumer – hoping that Fortnite can quickly come back to both Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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