Signal Private Messenger: Default Settings you should change for even better privacy
- Signal Private Messenger or known as Signal in short, offers better privacy then its competitors.
- On top of that, Signal offers even better privacy when you change these default settings. Read below to understand more and how you can act on it.
- In case you are not in Signal yet, scroll to the bottom for Signal download link (Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, Windows).
- For other interesting articles like this, head to Tech, Android, iOS, FREE Games and Stuffs and more on JILAXZONE.
Moving over to Signal due to privacy concerns? Or still considering?

For those who are still considering, check out this link where it’s super easy to move your group from the green messenger into Signal: Moving groups from WhatsApp into Signal in 3 simple steps at JILAXZONE.
For those who are in Signal, here are the default settings in Signal you should consider changing for even better privacy.
NOTE: Please review the settings one by one yourself before acting on it. While doing all the setting here will give you the ultimate privacy, but there are consequences (such as: reduced call quality, complicate yourself when using Signal, and more). Please check and whenever possible test the outcome first before settle with the settings. |
Overall Signal settings for better privacy
All these settings are available under Privacy Settings. Tap on your profile icon on the top left of the screen to go to Settings > Privacy.
1) Turn off “Read Receipts”. Turning read receipts off so that people won’t know when you have read their messages. The same behavior applies to you as well though.
2) Turn off “Typing Indicators”. Doesn’t want people know you are typing? Then turn this setting off, so you can type freely then send it then disappear or looks like you disappear.
3) Turn on “Always Relay Calls”. Turning on this feature so that you can’t be tracked by your IP Address. However the drawback is your call quality will get impacted – reduced quality.
4) Turn on “Registration Lock”. It’s 3FA not 2FA, so anyone who are registering your Signal account on a new phone, they need not only SMS but also PIN code.
5) Turn on “Screen Lock”. Each time opening Signal app, you’ll be prompted to authenticate.
6) Turn on “Enable Screen Security”. When switching between apps, Signal will just show its logo instead of your chats.
7) Turn off “Allow from Anyone”. So that nobody that you don’t know able to contact you.
Signal Group Chat settings for better privacy
To do this on each of Group Chat you have where you are the admin of the group.
1) Set “Who Can Add Members”. Recommend to set it to “Only Admins”.
2) Set “Who Can Edit Group Info”. Recommend to set it to “Only Admins”.
3) Turn on “Approve New Members”. This setting is under “Group Link”. Turning this on so that people who get your Signal group link won’t be straight away joining the group, you have to approve them before they can join the group.
4) Turn on “Disappearing Messages” if you want every messages sent to the group to disappear once everyone read the message, so there won’t be trace left behind.
Have you used Signal?
Say “Yes” to better privacy. There’s no need to wait others to first join Signal before you finally join – because otherwise it will end in infinite loop – chicken and egg situation, other people will also wait for you to join Signal. Step up, download and join Signal today.
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