How to watch YouTube without ads on iPhone without Premium account
The same method works for iPad and iPod Touch! No premium account required. No jailbreak needed!
- Learn how you can watch YouTube videos without getting annoyed with the ads.
- Using the method mentioned on this article, not only you can wathc YouTube without ever seeing the ads, but at the same time you can save your iPhone storage space. Check out the last section on this article to find out how.
- For other interesting articles like this, head to Tech, iOS, FREE Games and Stuffs and more on JILAXZONE.
Like to watch YouTube videos but doesn’t like or getting annoyed with the ads? Well, there’s a way to get rids of those YouTube ads.

Here’s how you can watch YouTube without any advertisements on your iPhone and iOS devices
These are the steps in detail to enable you watching YouTube without ads interruption.
1) Install Ad-block app
There are many adblocker apps available on the App Store, here are 2 apps I used personally across my iOS devices. You don’t need to install 2 apps, but rather choose one of them. Or if you have your own preference of adblock app, feel free to use yours.
2) Activate Ad-block app
Follow these steps to activate the Ad-Block app.
a) Once installed, go to Settings > Safari.
b) Scroll down to SETTINGS FOR WEBSITES section, tap on “Content Blockers”.
c) Inside Content Blockers, turn on “All Websites” to activate the Ad-block app.
3) Open YouTube in Safari
Follow these steps to open & wathc YouTube without ads interruption.
a) Open Safari.
b) Key in Log in with your Google account if required.
c) On YouTube search bar, key-in any topics you want to see on YouTube.
4) (Optional) Add YouTube to Home Screen
Once you have opened YouTube in Safari, you can add YouTube to your iOS Home screen, so it will appear as YouTube icon just like the YouTube app but it’s actually a Safari shortcut, the difference is, YouTube app is installed in your iPhone storage and eating your iPhone memory storage and it shows advertisement, while the YouTube shortcut doesn’t do both: It doesn’t eat your storage (no installation required) and it doesn’t show ads.
Here’s how you can add YouTube opened in Safari as icon on iOS Home screen:

a) On Safari with YouTube page opened, tap on the “Arrow Up with Square” icon, located at the bottom center of Safari screen.
b) Sub menu will opened, scroll up and find “Add to Home Screen”. Tap “Add to Home Screen” when you find it.
c) On Add to Home Screen page, key-in the name as “YouTube” and leave the URL. Then tap on “Add”.
Now you should be able to see a YouTube icon on your iOS Home screen. Next time you want to watch YouTube, you can tap on this icon, it will then open YouTube via Safari for you.
5) (Optional) Delete YouTube app

Unless you are a content creator who actively uploads videos to YouTube via the app, and especially if you have added YouTube to Home screen (previous step), now you can delete the YouTube app from your iPhone, because, well the same YouTube is working on Safari and best is – it has zero ads and consume zero iPhone storage!
Advantages watching YouTube using this mode
As I mentioned on the steps above, these are the advantages of watching YouTube on Safari compared to watching YouTube on the YouTube app
1) It has zero ads
Once you have installed and activate ad-blocker, watching YouTube from Safari is buttery smooth. No advertisement shall disturb while watching videos.
2) It consume zero storage space

Watching YouTube on Safari means that you don’t need additional storage to install a separate YouTube app (seriously, if you still have it, consider deleting it), since Safari comes pre-built-in on your iPhone and iOS devices. So you can use the storage for some other things that is more meaningful – such as to store your photos or videos.
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