Here’s How to move the Safari URL address bar back to the top on iOS 15
Apple made a considerable huge change to its mobile Safari on iPhone running iOS 15 or above, the URL address bar which on previous iOS version was always stays afloat on top, now shifted to the bottom of the screen. While personally I do think it’s a good move – mainly because now it’s easier for me to reach out the URL address bar without the need to stretch my thumb – but not all iPhone users are comfortable or get used to the change made by Apple. That’s the reason I’m writing this article, to share with you on how you can move back Safari URL address bar from the bottom back to the top.
- This article shares the simple steps required to move Safari URL address bar back to the top.
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Here’s how you can shift back Safari URL address bar from bottom back to the top on iOS 15 or above
Here are the steps required.
1) Go to Settings > Safari.
2) Scroll down until the TABS section. You’ll see “Tab Bar” and “Single Tab” option.

3) Tap on “Single Tab” to switch the Safari URL address bar back to the top.
Once you have done all the steps, open Safari to see the change. You should now see the URL address bar is back on top.
Bring it all together
With the steps given, now you can easily switch between URL address bar located at the top or bottom. My recommendation is to first try the URL address bar located at the bottom – your thumb will be very thankful to you -, and only if you can’t get used to it, then switch the URL address bar back to the top.
For other iOS 15 & iPadOS 15 interesting articles, do check them out here: iOS 15 & iPadOS 15 on JILAXZONE.
Are you not in iOS 15 & iPadOS 15 yet? Here’s how you can get iOS 15 / iPadOS 15 today
At the time this article is written, iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 are not released yet to the public masses, but you can be ahead of everyone else and get iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 today. Don’t worry, it’s legal, most importantly it’s official from Apple and totally FREE.

in case you are interested, here’s how you can get iOS 15 installed today: I’m updating my iPhone to iOS 15 today and here’s how you can update yours too (iPad and iPod Touch included!) at JILAXZONE.
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