Raising Awareness: How People with Smartphone Today is at high risk hurting themselves
By keeping your eyes glued to the phone while walking. Did you just do that?
If you are currently reading this while moving around, walking or driving, turn your phone down now or risk getting yourself hurt.
I’m trying to raise awareness here. Your awareness.
Meet today millennial zombies: Not brainless but walking without seeing surrounding area.
Since both eyes are glued to the phone.

Bad news: you probably one of the thousands to millions of today millennial zombies. I, for better or worse, was part of it. Until I managed to find a cure and turn back to normal human.
Talking about being efficient? And thinking that you are smart, so to save your precious time you do reading, typing, watching or playing with your smartphone while walking?
Well, I can tell you they are nowhere from being efficient. Plus you get high risk to hurt yourself by keeping your attention to the phone and not to the walkway while walking.
Falling down from staircase or missteps on elevator, bump into people or worst – bump into car, step into a hole somewhere on the walkway or between platforms, all will gets you from just a shock, to the doctor for injury treatment or hospital or in the worst case scenario: cost you your own life.
Now, is that something what you call being efficient and smart?
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Avoid getting hurt by doing this
Help yourself by not gluing your eyes to the phone while walking.
I know it’s easier said than done since your phone is so entertaining yet you are trying to be efficient.

But there’s really a simple way to avoid getting yourself hurt: If it’s so urgent that you need to keep your attention to the phone, stop walking and do whatever you need with your phone and only when you finish doing whatever you need to do with your phone only then you continue walking.
Domino effect: World is moving slower because of people like you
Don’t you feel that?
By gluing your eyes to the phone while walking, you are creating some sort of Domino effect. You walk and sticking your eyes to the phone – making you to be unnecessarily slow. As the impact, people behind you also slow – especially if the walkway is so narrow. Now multiply it world-wide, then the whole world is moving slower just because there’s plenty of people who are like you – today millennial zombies – smartphone zombies.
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