Getting yourself ready to download Apple iOS 13 and iPadOS
iOS 13 is coming! iPadOS is coming too!
Update on 4th June 2019: WWDC 2019 has happened and with it, Apple not only introduced the expected iOS 13, but also a new OS for iPad called iPadOS. The step by step here is meant for both iOS 13 and iPadOS.
Well, I was pessimistic back then whether or not Apple will release iOS 13 (or skip it) to the masses since number 13 is known to be a bad number for Americans (even I wrote anarticle related to it), but as rumors suggested, Apple will not skip any number but to release iOS 13 this year.
At the time this article is written, WWDC 2019 is still a few months ahead, however that shouldn’t stop you from getting yourself ready for the upcoming iOS 13.
So, get yourself to be ready to be the first few who can test and taste the iOS 13.
13 iOS 13 Features that will make Apple is favorable again
Alright, before jumping in, I have compiled 13 features I wish Apple to bring and introduce into iOS 13.
I won’t list them here one by one (making this writing way too long), since you can see the full 13 features list on the article here, but one thing that got me excited (as this is on my wish list, and in fact #1 on my list) is this recent rumors telling that Apple is considering to bring in mouse support to the iOS ecosystem.

Do you need mouse support for your iOS devices? Do give your thoughts and comments down below on the comment section. For me personally, having mouse support is definitely will help me during days where I don’t bring my working laptop with me but somehow I need to do some work using just my phone/tablet.
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Get ready for iOS 13 and iPadOS – Here’s what you need and need to do
1) Apple mobile devices that compatibles with iOS 13 and iPadOS – that includes iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Full device list, do check it here.
2) Make sure your iOS device has enough room for the new iOS to install. Although since iOS 11, Apple has a way to install new iOS with limited space, but do spare whenever possible at minimum 3-4 GB to speed up the whole installation process.
3) Back up your iOS device and back up your photos, videos. Before backing-up your iOS device, it’s always good to delete any unused or rarely used app. If you think you may need the app data/game save in the future, use offloading method to preserve their app data/game save. Check here to see how you can do it. If you found out that your iCloud doesn’t have enough space to backup your whole photos and videos collection, do check here the good and free alternative.
4) Register yourself as Public Beta Tester here. Link here:
5) Wait but don’t wait. As of today, Apple has not published the link for us to download iOS 13 Public Beta, but do not wait to register yourself using the link above so that your Apple ID is ready when Apple release the iOS 13. Do check here regularly as I will update with iOS 13 download link once Apple published the link to public beta tester.
Do you have anything you want me to cover on my next article? Write them down on the comment section down below.
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