Best multiplayer Sega Genesis & Sega Megadrive games which you can play 2 players
Sega Genesis indeed left a very fond memories to many, including myself. It was my first gaming console as a kid. Now with Sega is planning to re-release the 16-bit console in the market as a Sega Genesis Mini or Sega Megadrive Mini, I guess this is the correct time to show all the multiplayer great games on Sega Genesis or Megadrive time/era that I played with my little brother.
Well, I will exclude sports games here and to include more on the king genre of that time – Beat em up! Reason being: I love beat ’em up! And even today, for beat ’em up genre lovers, you need to read this article to know that Beat ’em up is not dead yet!
Just in case you are looking to buy Sega Genesis Mini / Sega Megadrive Mini, do check it here, link on Amazon.
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These are the list of Sega Genesis / Sega Megadrive Multiplayer games
The list shown here are games I played before. I include a companion YouTube videos for every game I played before (the videos weren’t me uploading) so that you can easily acknowledge or recall if you – too – ever played the games before.
Do note, the list can grow in the future as I recall more and more 2 players Genesis/Megadrive games, be sure to check them out in the future as well.
1) Adventure of Batman and Robins
This game is considered to be the best Batman game on the platform.
2) Alien Storm
I don’t recall I completed this game, but nevertheless it was a fun game to play. I loved to play as the robot.
3) Captain America and the Avengers
Captain America and the Avengers was considered a difficult game for me.
4) Contra The Hard Corps
I don’t really remember how many hours I have spent to play this game as a kid… But it was worth the time. I loved to play as the tiny robot. What about you?
5) Double Dragon
I can’t really remember if I played this game before, but here it is. Classic story, the girl is kidnapped by the scoundrels.
6) Double Dragon 2: The Revenge
If the first game I can’t really remember if I ever played the game, the second game is for sure. Press A for left punch, press C for right punch. A little bit weird in terms of control, but that worked for me and my little brother.
7) Golden Axe
The last boss was so hard to defeat. I loved to play as the old-man holding the axe.
8) Golden Axe 2
Same like the original game, I liked to play as the old-man holding the axe as weapon. Did you manage to abuse the tiny creature stealing your pots? I did.
9) Golden Axe 3
The opening music was one of the best in Sega Genesis! I loved to play as the panther.
10) Gunstar Heroes
I spent countless hours with my little bro playing this game. We kept playing the games though we defeated this game so many times. My favorite weapon is the combination of green and blue spheres, making the ultimate a lock-to-target must-have weapon.
11) Lethal enforcers
This was before Time Crisis era.
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12) Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger The Movie
I love red since I was born, so Red ranger was definitely my choice when I played this game.
13) The Punisher
The last game cartridge I bought before Asia financial crisis in 1998. Defeated King Pin – the last boss – together with my little brother!
14) Street of Rage / Bare Knuckle (JP)
Sega’s answer to SNES’ Final Fight series. I loved playing as Axel while my little bro played as Adam. Today, when Sega re-released the game on Android/iOS platform, I played the game with my wife 🙂
15) Street of Rage 2 / Bare Knuckle 2 (JP)
Axel was no longer my favorite, it was Skate (Adam’s little brother). On the second iteration, the special move was changed from calling a police car, to forming a special attack.
16) Street of Rage 3 / Bare Knuckle 3 (JP)
The last and the best iteration of Street of Rage for Genesis/Megadrive. There are few unlock-able characters here, which you can acquire after defeating them (they are bosses on different levels on the game).
17) Teenage Mutant Turtles The Hyper Stone Heist
One of my very first beat ’em up game. Spent so many hours playing it with my little brother 🙂 My favorite? Of course, Ralph – the red turtle holding a trident. Shredder was no match when both of us playing the game!
18) Two Crude Dudes
Adapted from Arcade game, all I can remember is punch punch and punch!
19) Skeleton Krew
I didn’t really own the game, I borrowed it from my neighbor. It was considered a weird good 3D game at that time (it wasn’t actually 3D – 3D today’s standard – but it looks like 3D – just like Sonic 3D Genesis game).
20) Sunset Raiders
Where else you can get a kiss from a girl, if not from this game?
21) Sonic 2 (Player 2 plays as Tails)
Sonic game isn’t actually a 2-player co-op game, however in Sonic 2, Sega enables a second player to help during a game.
22) Sonic 3 (Player 2 plays as Tails)
Same goes to Sonic 3, like in Sonic 2, Player 2 plays as Tails to help Sonic on his mission to catch Knuckles and defeat Dr Eggman (known also as Robotnik).
23) Spider-Man and Venom Separation Anxiety
Before 3D became mainstream like today, this is the best Spider-man game you can play in Genesis/Megadrive.
24) World of Illusion – Mickey and Donald
2 player games wasn’t always and only about punch, punch and punch. This game proves it. Though this game can be played 1 player only, but to get the best fun, 2 players are required. Help one another to achieve the end stage.
25) X-Men 2 clone wars
I don’t think I defeated this game. It was considered super difficult that time. My favorite character was Wolverine!
Bring ’em up!
There are of course a lot more great 2 players games for Genesis/Megadrive other than those I mentioned above, but those are list that I personally played before and can recommend you they are worth playing even today.
What was your favorite 2 player Genesis/Megadrive game? Did you ever own/play Sega Genesis/Megadrive before? Do give your comments down below on the comment section.
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So since the six button is hard to find, and i needed it badly, i searched and found it on amazon:
best bang for your buck, high quality plastic, has the flush mode button, and above all, having that genesis box and sega logo on the controller brought me right back to childhood…